A Deal with the Devil (chicago PD)

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Chicago p.d

A different take on what could have happened in the final episode of the season. Main focus is on Erin, Jay and Voight but other characters will be featured.

Jay stood outside the door with Ruzek and the CI, waiting for someone to open it. He wasn't nervous, this is the sort of police work he loved; being undercover, being out in the field. It might sound arrogant or cocky but he was good at it. He liked doing what he was good at. He liked always being that one step ahead of the perp and when he was undercover, he always was because they didn't know his true identity. It was exciting. He could control the play.

All that was shot to hell when the door finally opened. Jay couldn't possibly have prepared himself for what he was about to see.


Erin's old... friend? He didn't know, hadn't quite been able to get a read on him.

Charlie looked momentarily shocked when he saw Jay at the other side of the door, he knew exactly who he was. He hadn't forgotten the look on his face when Erin told him to leave at the police station the other day, he knew there was something going on there.

The shock, however, was soon replaced by a sleazy grin and when Jay followed Charlie's eyes backwards, he understood why.

Erin. There she was, eyes wide, frozen to the spot. It was an unfortunate time for her to stop what she was doing, she was stood there in her bra, holding her top, jeans undone. It didn't take a genius to work out what had just gone on.

"You're Lindsay's police friend, huh? How did you know she would be here?"

At the mention of the word police, the CI immediately began to panic. How did Charlie know they were police? What would happen to him now? He considered running but Ruzek's hand found it's way around to his arm and he had no option but to wait it out, see what would happen.

Jay didn't really know what to say. His eyes were locked with Erin's but he couldn't read them, he couldn't work a single thing out. Usually a look between the two of them spoke a thousand words that they both understood but not this time. He supposed he didn't really need any words to explain to him what had happened, the evidence was right in front of him. He was a cop after all.

Ruzek looked at Jay, wondering if he was going to answer the guy inside the flat. He didn't have a clue what was going on. He didn't know who the guy was, didn't understand why Erin was inside looking as if she'd just seen a ghost. He just focused on keeping the CI with them, hoping maybe that he could provide some answers.

"I think there's been a mistake, we should go."

It was all Jay could manage to say, he knew there was no point in attempting to make a deal with Charlie now, they'd been made, he knew who they were. He turned to leave, nodding at Ruzek and the CI to follow him, taking one last look at Erin before he moved.

Something about his movement sprung her into action. She zipped up and buttoned her jeans then quickly put her top back on. She grabbed her jacket from the couch and pushed her way past Charlie.

"Halstead, I'm coming with you. Wait up."

Her voice was flat, Jay again could not read it. Everything was off, he didn't know why.

Charlie grabbed Erin's arm before she could leave the flat, pulling her back slightly.

"Not even a kiss goodbye? That's a little bit rude, Erin. Remember what I said."

He kissed her gently on the cheek but he wasn't looking at her, he was looking directly at Jay, hoping to get a reaction. He hadn't known that he was going to turn up but Charlie was good at thinking on his feet, he knew he could use this situation to his advantage.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2019 ⏰

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