Chapter 1

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*Trish's POV as Jade Stellar*

"Nobody move or the old lady gets it!" The fat bank robber warned sending saliva showers to the old lady while pointing the nose of the gun at her. Yeah, I know. Eew.

To my astonishment, the old lady hit the fat bank robber with her walking cane using her free hand. "Get your filthy hands off me, you buffoon!" The old lady said with a granny voice. Her fallen cheeks shaking a little as she spoke.

I'm on my knees with an injured security guard in my arms then I looked at Jed who's holding back a laugh while standing still. Then I saw his hands moving carefully to get something from his pocket. Unfortunately, one of the robbers have seen that as well.

Next thing I knew, the bank robber dropped a smoke bomb and then smoke filled the entire place. "Jade, c'mon! They're getting away!" Jed Striker shouted and coughed, his face covered with annoyance and his nose wrinkled because of the smoke then he ran after the bank robbers who are now getting in their getaway car.

I ran after him as soon as he said that and after making sure the wounded security guard is okay. Even though he's wearing a mask, well more like a black blindfold with two holes for the eyes, I still can see how handsome he is. Now don't get me wrong, okay? Jed Striker is ONLY my best friend and partner. No malice in wonderland. Is it wrong to compliment your best friend? I don't think so.

Now the robbers are running for their lives. As soon as we got out of the bank's premises, we flew right away because flying is better and faster than running. Oh yes, we fly. I forgot to tell you that Jed and I are actually super humans. We could have use some of our special abilities if it wasn't risking the hostage's life.

I said super humans because I don't want to sound conceited if I address ourselves as "super heroes". But Jed and I are different from other super humans like Superman, Wonder Woman or Spiderman. At least, from the name and costume. We don't use cliché names like adding Boy, Girl, Woman, Man or whatever at the end of any adjective or noun.

Anyway, his superhero name is Jed Striker and mine is Jade Stellar. About the costumes, Jed doesn't wear his briefs oddly like Superman does. And thank goodness he doesn't wear tights! If he does I sure hope he wears it properly.. underwear first before tights! And don't forget the belt! Who wears a belt if your costume is tight?

And as for me, I don't wear swimsuit like costumes that only cover your twin peaks and you know what like other female super hero does. I find it useful though to wear little pieces of cloths as your costume. Villains might not want to fight you back because your chest is exposing itself and being a distraction. They might even be the one to beg to put them behind bars. Haha. I was just joking. But seriously, we really are different from other super humans. Jed only wears a black T-shirt, a red scarf, cargo pants and combat boots. And I only wear black shorts, a white tank top partnered with a red bolero and a pair of boots. I always tie up my hair to a ponytail to keep it from getting on my face whenever we fly. And the only thing we wear to hide our identity is a black leather blindfold with holes. Simple as that. We don't wear silly capes because it will only add to our burden in doing laundry. Sheesh.

Now where are we.. Oh right, the robbers. Jed and I flew with both of our arms stretched forward. Good thing I don't consider mini skirts for a costume. People down there be blessed. Really, who wear skirts when they are flying? We flew faster to catch up with the robber's black getaway car but the robbers look like expert players of GTA. I mean, look at how they drive! They don't care if they drive for like million miles per hour and they keep on overtaking other cars!

Jed groaned looking annoyed as he look at the robbers. "Damn." He cursed.

"You alright?" I asked looking at him. The cold breeze brushing my face as I fly. My hair wagging like a puppy's tail.

"What do you think?" He snorted while not looking at me. Somebody has PMS today, I must say. He RARELY snaps or gives me sarcastic remarks. I was about to answer when I hear something crackle and beep. Then Jed bended his arm to look at his black watch.

"Hey Jed, Hey Jade, have you caught the robbers yet?" Max our friend says as we watch him on Jed's multi-purpose watch. The watch looks normal and ordinary but it's not. It has a small screen and small hole which is a camera so Max can see and communicate with us even though we are busy dealing with evil doers.

"Yeah! Have you beat the hell out of them?!" Max's twin sister, Maxine, asked pushing her twin out of the screen. They're our friends and they are truly geniuses and gifted. They are the ones who are making Jed and I's gadgets, like the multi-purpose watch Jed's wearing.

"Not yet, Maxine. Not if both of you want an update every second." Jed said chuckling. Maxine frowned then Max appeared on the screen again. He shoved Maxine out of the way like a door.

"Maxine, do you mind? We're handling something important here. Why don't you get something to eat? Hmm?" Max said sternly to his sister while pushing up his glasses. I heard Maxine groan and after a while I heard the door slam.


"Get something for me too!" He shouted while putting his other hand near his mouth.

Sometimes, I like to think Max is Dexter and Maxine is Dee Dee. Except that Maxine is a genius too like Max.

Jed coughed to get Max's attention. "What is it again, Max?" Jed asked looking alternately from the robber's and Max. Max's eyes got wide.

"Did you forgot?! You have a concert tonight with your band! And it starts in.." Max paused and looked at the digital wall clock that glows neon green. Then he looked back at us.

"In an hour." He continued.

"Shit, I forgot about our concert!" Jed cursed under his breath.

"Thanks for reminding me Max." He said while looking at me. As if saying, "Thanks Max for remembering. Unlike my best friend here." I feel guilty because I forgot all about it too!

"Don't mention it." He looked at me apologetically. Then the watch buzzed while the little screen turned black and it returned to clock mode. Jed returned to his flying position, both arms stretched forward.

"I think you should go and meet the band." I said not looking at him. "I can handle this you know?"

I'm so forgetful nowadays! I'm going to tell you a secret. But please, don't tell anybody! Or else, you know what will happen to you if you do.

So here it goes... Jed Striker's alter ego is none other than...

Liam Payne. Yeah, One Direction's Liam Payne. And they have a concert tonight! And we're going to be late! I don't want to miss the love of my life's concert! Uh, no. Not Liam silly.

Here's another secret, my secret to be precise. I'm in love with one of One Direction's members.

Zayn Malik? Nope.

Niall Horan? Nah.

Harry Styles? Almost there.

Liam Payne? NO! Hello? He's my best friend!

Yes... I'm in love with Louis Tomlinson. Yeah, super humans fall in love too you know? If Superman has Lois Lane and Spiderman has Mary Jane then I have Louis. Except that he doesn't know about it. I don't want to tell him since he's in a relationship with Eleanor.

So, I'm waiting for Jed's answer to my question but he remained quiet.So I look ahead and sighed silently.

"No, not until we finish these bastards." He said smiling like a devil.

I smiled back as we fly closer to the robbers.


So.... How was it?! Is it boring or whatever? I hope you guys like it! I'm going to update if I get a good feedback. I was so ecstatic when I come up with this. Oh yeah!!! Up up and awayyyy!



Nagie <3

Jade Stellar: Supergirl In Love (One Direction Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now