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Mulan was laying on the makeshift bed covered in Bandages when Shang came in. He stared at her in disbelief to which Mulan reacted by turning her head in shame.

"You have brought dishonor on everyone here, Mulan," Shang said to the girl. "You know what happens to those who breaks the rules," Chi Fu chimed in and Shang shot him a dirty look. Chi Fu looked terrified of the valient hero and stopped talking. "Stand, woman," Shang said with disgust. Mulan reluctantly stood with her arm covering her wound and head bowed as Shang pulled her out of the small quarters and threw her down into the snow for everyone to see. There were gasps heard from Mulan's friends, Yao, Ling, and Chein-Po.

"Ping...what...?" Ling said, looking confused. He never was very bright. Shang answered his question, "This woman is not Ping. Her name is Mulan and she lied to us all, bringing the greatest dishonor on her, her family, and all of China!" he bellowed, raising his sword to bring it down upon the young woman's head. Mushu, who had been watching all along, decided to act upon instinct and save his friend. "SHE SAVED YOUR LIFE YOU WEAK LITTLE LIMP NOODLE!!!" Mushu yelled directly before spitting fire on Shang's rear. Shang jumped at least 200 feet in the air and Mulan looked up a bit with a slightly evil smile. "Thanks Mushu. You saved me," she said, hugging the dragon and standing. "Yeah yeah, don't get too mushy on me," he said crying tears of joy, as his body merged with hers, appearing as a tattoo on her body. It was customary for a dragon spirit to merge with a human body if they chose to save that human from death. A few seconds later, Shang fell to the ground, his sword landing next to him. Mulan picked up the weapon, all the recruits watching her hesitantly as she raised it above his chest.

"Mulan...please..." Shang started, coughing up blood between his words. "Mulan... I'm sorry."

"Yes, well It's a bit too late to say sorry. I will bring honor to my family name," she said, her eyes glowing, as she brought the sword down upon Shang's body. The recruits grabbed whatever weapons they could find and started attacking Mulan, while Chi Fu hid like the coward he is. To protect Mulan from the bombard of arrows flying at her, Mushu reformed from the tattoo on her body to knock them away, while Mulan pulled the sword covered in Shang's blood from his limp body and used it to attack her comrades, killing them all with Mushu's help. Once everyone had died, her eyes stopped glowing and Mushu returned to his former state of being a tattoo on the young girl's body. "Now," she said standing upright, her body fully healed from the dragon spirit's power, "It's time to bring honor to will be the honor of China," Mulan said as a demonic grin encased her face.

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