Silver's Past

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Silver's pov
Feelings are often weak, simply showing or expressing them makes me feel vulnerable to anyone who so wishes to use or hurt me for their own desire. From a young age I was taught this and it couldn't be all the more true. Being kidnapped and under the care of the masked man had taught me many things..most importantly how cruel this world really is.  That man alone took everything from me from the start. I lost my family and my childhood, now destined to go on a dark path filled with loneliness and pain that one simply couldn't fathom how I have must felt as well as been through. For so long while I was trapped here, I longed to have a family, a life I could certainly be proud of and to have a future that I could look forward to but merely that was impossible if I was unable to leave this place.

The anguish dwelling in my heart and the hope that was growing dimmer by the minute left me alone with my thoughts until I met a young girl named Blue. Somehow we became friends instantly and the hope I felt was fleeting, sparking back to life.

That swiftly would end the moment we escaped from the masked man. It sure felt nice to be free once and for all especially with sneasel right by my side. Soon enough we parted ways, Blue left to find her parents while I sought to know who my father was while heading to Johto.

There I stolen totodile due to Lance telling me to do so I easily complied in doing just that. It was no easy task once I got caught stealing totodile by a raven haired male and the professor after I exited the lab. He spotted me before but I thought I scared him off? "Don't you have somewhere better to be?!!" He rudely hissed out before turning around once more only to walk away soon after. 'I would just have to come back later." The young teen thought to himself. Later on, he would slip through the window, hiding away in the ceiling before taking off with totodile after the room was cleared. "Damn.." Silver's eyes widened in shock and surprise upon remembering the events that folded beforehand, questioning where he gone wrong as he was caught. The boy before him ended up knowing his name with him knowing his in return. "Now I have to go.." The red haired male spat out in a serious tone, spotting his card held that had his name on it was in the hand of the hatcher, mocking him as he stood there wordlessly once Gold had said his name aloud, causing him to shudder out of spite towards himself. 'Stupid.' He thought to himself while mentally cursing himself for letting this weak trainer get his name and even defeat him in battle in the process. How can one with weak Pokémon defeat him? As he was drawn from his thoughts, his eyebrows pressed together while a frown etched its way upon his lips. This was troubling. "Give it back now or so help me." The red head snapped and swiped his card out of Gold's hand, quickly slipping it in his pocket.
Worry started to worm its way through his very being now that he thought that the cops would be on his trail by now if Gold ratted him out. " and your Pokémon are weak so next time don't expect me to lose!" Silver quickly ran off towards the woods, leaving a shocked and speechless Gold behind, not caring if he chased him or not. He needed to get out of here fast.

Gold's pov
The raven haired male caught sight of a red haired male standing by an open window at the lab. It left him to wonder if the guy was too shy to go in or planning something. He shook his head and decided to figure out for himself as he headed over to the mysterious trainer. "What are you doing?" Gold quickly asked, noticing that he startled the person as he was quickly met with metallic silver eyes boring into his golden ones. He flinched slightly but shook it off. "Are you here to get a Pokémon as well?" Gold surely thought that was why the red head was there in the first place yet this seemed off to him. Whatever it was, he decided to head into the lab to meet the professor, leaving Silver alone as his excitement to get his very first Pokémon made him grin cheekily.
"I choose cyndaquil." Gold spoke happily upon coming to the conclusion and let cyndaquil out of its pokeball. Some time had passed as he was now leaving the Professor's Lab after finding out to a pokemon was stolen.
After leaving the lab, Gold spotted Silver with a pokeball that wasn't there on his belt before. "You're the one who has stolen totodile? Give it back, it's not yours." Gold huffed out with his golden eyes dwelling with a hint of seriousness. Once he was challenged to a battle, he quickly accepted and sent out cyndaquil. It wasn't strong against water types, that he knew but he knew he could win.  In the end he had won and defeated totodile with ease, the victory was short lived as he glanced down at a card that was on the ground and picked it up. "Silver huh? So that's your name." He read aloud to himself before looking over at the red haired male who suddenly went rigid at the sound of his name. Though the moment the card was taken from his hand, a look of shock came across his face only to see Silver's already retreating form.

"I let him get away.."

"Gold! Gold.."
Professor Elm called out his name. He was out of breath from running up to catch up to the raven haired male. "Have you seen the person who took totodile?" He questioned as an officer stood behind him with a notebook in hand with a pen in the other. "If so..please describe them." He nodded and glanced at the officer. The worry in his eyes gave it away. He feared for totodile's safety.

"I don't know how he got here but his name is Silver. He has red hair and silver-metallic colored eyes."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2019 ⏰

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