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well the life of a cheer leader is not simple. when you watch high school musical or something, and its got the cheer leaders in it those cheer leaders have worked so hard its unbelievable you cant imagine it. so i am here to tell you all about it because i am a cheer leader for Sutton tornadoes and its pretty hard but fun and there are so many cool people there who are there to support you and improve you on amazing skills to show off in competitions like me.

well on my first day i was with my 2 cousins who had 2 cousins there already who where brilliant to. i also went with my little sister Kiana but first you go on a Sunday then start Saturdays after like 2 months of straight Saturdays. so with me i was a quick learner i learnt my kart wheel in a night and my round off in a night to. then i learnt a forward roll and backward roll in a day. once i had done them i went for something more trickier for my body to handle. i then started to do crab or bridge more till i could fall backwards into it and get up which took some time about 1 week or 2 to improve because i don't believe in people who quit after a day like some people.

once i could fall into crab i started to practise hand stands to which took me a week to learn maybe longer i don't know. once i found both of these easy i started to go into handstand and fall into crab then slowly get up. it took me about 1 month to get my front limb over or maybe 2 i think yeah 2. then it took my about 3 weeks to get a front walkover which are so simple to me now. then i tried to do back walkovers which took me a bit longer because of the difficultly on them. first i did kicking of the couch to give an idea then kept doing that for 3 weeks and then started to push and rock back and forward kicking myself over then after about 1 month i was playing on the park messing about and i did it a couple of times. for the rest of that day i couldn't do it again but in the morning it came back and so i practised everyday from there and tried doing it dead fast and i got there.

then i did 1 handed kart wheels which i can do but not very good i put my hand behind my back and just go for it because you hurt yourself you just get your hand out and put it down if you don't feel like doing it but you have to try and practise to achieve. then i tried left handed and right handed lead kart wheels which i achieved after 3 weeks of practise. i also then did backward roll into handstand which i am nearly there to doing it because i need lots of strength which i sometimes have. after that i tried handstand into forward roll which can be dangerous because if you do what i and most people do which is fall on their backs it can wind you and really hurt. so tonight i got help of my mum to hold my feet and support me then i tried on cushions and i was fine so i tried with out cushions and i was fine so yeah i achieved my goal with in 1 night yay !

now i am a back spot for my group and flyer in cheer stunts. i am very important because if the flyer falls i catch her or help her. also i have to help the bases or do 1 man stunt like do a should sit so the flyer gets on your shoulders or stands on them. i can do both but they are very difficult and rarely used for my group which is good but i need to know them. at the moment in my life i am doing my first competition for cheer leading and i can't wait really. i started cheer leading in march i think and i have gone on from their plus i stanted this year march 2014. so that proves that you can learn lots of moves in the space of a year.

so that's my life of being a cheer leader. now i put in hours of effort to do these skills and practise loads. now if you want to achieve things in your life never give up or you will never get there. that's some of my advice thanks for reading bye x

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