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Adun was in transport with his battle brothers, heading to a world rife with Daemonic incursion. Adun was silently performing a rite, asking the God Emperor for might and clarity for the many battles he will soon find himself in. His battle brother on his right, Nadir, was discussing strategy with one of his brothers across from him, Honig, Adun had first met Nadir and Honig on a mission to a hive world to deal with a cult. At first it had seemed that the Inquisition could handle it, as the strength of the ruinous powers were null, if the heretics had any power at all, till a incursion on their lair had failed, leading to a host of inquisitors to never return to their superiors. The inquisition deemed it more dangerous than initially thought and called on the Grey Knights service. Nadir and Honig were in a squad of four battle brothers, (names unknown to Adun as it is a sore spot for his brothers to speak of) they were tasked with purging the filth, but upon entry, they were swarmed with Daemons, Nadir and Honig barely escaping with their lives, but were trapped inside the lair. Adun was called as reinforcements with his battle brother Adrian, an apothecary, their grandmaster not deeming it not worth another squad of knights, but worthy enough of a paladin and an apothecary to assist. Not wishing to engage without the assistance of those trapped within, Adun and Adrian 'found' another entry (blowing open an unused sewer) to sneak in, after establishing radio contact, the four began clearing out the nest slowly, and methodically, as to not be overwhelmed, after many lesser daemons and hordes of cultists, the squad felled a greater daemon of khornite origin and managed to recover the gene-seed of the fallen. They fought together many times afterward, their grandmaster taking notice of their quick bonding and high efficacy. This lead them here to this world they were en route to.

Nadir: Tell me Honig, how should we go about this? There will surely be a great number of lesser daemons, an assault canon would be of great use, but in the event of their being a greater number of more powerful foes, would a plasma cannon not be more useful? We know the target area is the forge district of a hive city, so close quarters fighting is a must, would the risk of friendly fire be too great?

Honig thought on his brothers words, considering both options, unsure he looks to Adun

Honig: what say you Brother Adun? You will be the one to carry this, and you clearly have more experience as a Paladin.

Looking up from his now finished rite, snuffs out his incense and replies simply

Adun: I say neither option will be viable, after studying plans of our route through the forge, it would be best if speed and cunning were our stratagem. For this reason, I have not donned my terminator armour, instead using standard issue armaments. Each of us will be carrying bolters, and a melee weapon of choice. I understand if this seems unwise, but trust me Brothers.

The two looked to each other, of course worried of lacking firepower

Nadir: As you wish Brother, besides, its not as if we will be the only squadron deployed, strength will be found in our conjoined might.

Honig hums in agreement.

Honig: Say Adrian, what is your insight? You've been awfully silent.

Adrian, as if waking from drowsiness, startles and replies shakily

Adrian: I t-trust Adun with my life, for all I'm concerned, his word is law.

Adun noticing this speaks

Adun: Brother Adrian, if you are worried about the mission, it is okay to say so, I won't reprimand you for speaking your mind.

Adrian, taken aback quickly apologises

Adrian: Sorry Milord, it's nothing like that, I just.. have this strange feeling.

The other three, think for a moment. An omen perhaps? Adrain was always had a stronger sense of these things, surprisingly being the strongest psyker of the group.

Adun: I can only hope your feeling is guided by the Emperor, to lead us to victory. Prepare brothers, ETA is one minute

After the short lived silence, the squad lands, moving towards their intended destination.

Hey! Decided to do a story I thought would be cool. Lemme know if anything lore wise isn't quite right and I'll be sure to fix it up as best as I can.

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