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Adun came to, feeling arguably the worst he had ever felt in his surprisingly short life. Even his growth on a death world paled to this, his hud showing no real damage, he considered its legitimacy, considering he felt like he had been used as a titans punching bag. Slowly opening his eyes, he was met with belwilderment, he was in a lush forest, green all around him, the skies above a bright blue, white clouds like cotton. He thought for a moment he may be dead, then his brief talk with the Emperor rushed to the forefront of his thought "Was it real?" He thought. Seemingly true, he felt pain, so for sure wasn't in the afterlife, but that begged the question "Where am I?" Gathering himself upright he checked gear, minimal damage, he had only his power sword and a bolter pistol with two spare mags, not ideal for being lost, alone. Checking coms, he got no response, as expected, but did get the surprise of a signal about 3 miles south of his location, seeing it as the rational choice he started his treck, but elsewhere, a certain group of adventurers were already headed to his objective.

*Kazuma pov*

"Great, we just got to the guild and Aqua is already begging for a high paying quest, I just want a break"

Aqua: "Kazuma! Are you even listening you shut-in neet!? We need money, I accidentally got a tab going here for beer and I can't pay it! Help me pleeeeaasssse!" *starts weeping*

Kazuma: "FINE, we'll see if they have anything with a good payout, Darkness, Megumin and Chris should already be here."

Walking into the guild, and heading to the usual spot, they find their friends chatting over brunch.

Kazuma: Hey guys what's up?

Megumin: "Oh, hey Kazuma, we already heard Aqua shouting so we picked out a quest that should be pretty easy money."

Kazuma: "Well, what is it?"

Darkness: "It's an investigation, some people in town reported a HUGE meteor crashing into the forest this morning, the guild is paying for adventurers to find it and identify what it is and if it's valuable."

Kazuma: "Perfect! Lets head out now!"

Aqua: "Wait, Kazuma! I haven't eaten yet!"

Kazuma: "Too bad! This was what you wanted right?"

Chris: "Please, guys, lets not start this so early, lets just get going."

Aqua: "Ugh, fine, but you're paying for dinner Kazuma!"

Kazuma: "Whatever."

*small timeskip brought to you by Adun krumping an ork boi*

Kazuma and co. hiked for a good 4 hours before coming to a small clearing, the clearing was fairly large, in the center, was a decently sized crater. The group stayed in the treeline, discussing a course of action, as Aqua was paranoid of what might lie in the crater.

Aqua: "I say we have Megumin explode it before we move to it."


Before she could begin her spell Kazuma removes her wand from her grasp in a panic.

Kazuma: "WAIT! The guild said retrieve it, we can't just blow it up!"

Aqua: "But it's giving off this wired vibe, it's an omen!"

Kazuma, growling frustration, begins walking to the crater.

Darkness: "Wait, Kazuma, let me go first in case there's something big and dangerous inside.~"

Kazuma rolls his eyes as he reaches the edge of the crater, the others scurrying up behind him. Peering over all of them are stunned, it seemed to be some kinda of machinery, surrounded by a strange blue glow.

Megmin: "Uhm, does anyone know what we're looking at? Cuz I don't."

All humming a response of no, they get closer for a more thorough investigation. The rest circle around it gawking, but Kazuma see's a symbol of a double headed eagle, swearing he's seen it before, but can't recall, but before he can ponder further, a rustling of bushes alerts the party.

Aqua: *whispering* "What was that!?"

Kazuma: "Let me look."

Peering over the crater as quietly as possible, Kazuma's heart drops as he sees a pack of large, muscular, green skinned figures. The Orc guests, seemingly seeking this as well are searching the area, knowing that they can't hide for long Kazuma slides back down panicked.

Kazuma: *whispering* "Guys, there's a bunch of Orcs and I think they're looking for this too! What are we gunna do!?"

The party has mixed reactions, Aqua looks stricken with dispair, Megumin smiles deviously, most likely hoping to explode something and Darkness... is Darkness.

Orc Chief: "EY! Ya bellends missed it! It's the big crater ya numbskulls!"

A couple of grunts and footsteps marching closer tells them they are soon to be discovered. The party prepares for a scuffle, except Aqua, who is currently sobbing quietly on the ground. As the footsteps near the edge, they stop, they party holds their breath, thinking they've been found, until an Orc speaks...

Orc grunt: "Oi, you bois hear dat?"

The party surprised listen in as well, after a moment they hear a thudding, but its muted by distance, growing closer rapidly, until they hear something break the treeline.

Orc grunt 2: "Oi! Whats dat phing!?"

The party remains quiet, unsure if the sounds was good or not.

???: "By the Emperor, seems no realm is safe from you filthy greenskins."

Orc chief: "Oi! Dats hurtful, and slightly racist, so how bout you bugger off, dis here is our loot!"

???: "And it would seem you never change, very well then. COME THEN SCUM, FACE MY FURY, FOR THE EMPEROR! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!"

After the strange voice, obfuscated by something, most likely a helmet, unleashed his cry, the party heard the sounds of battle.

Kazuma: "Guys quick, let's go while they're distracted, that guy can't win against that many Orcs."

Not wanting to risk it they follow Kazuma in a dash to the treeline. Looking back, they see a large Knight in silver armor, a glowing blade in his right hand, mowing down Orcs like blades of grass.


The man chanted to himself whilst slaying everything in sight. Having already cleared over half of the 20 or so Orcs, the man halts, looking at them. Looking at his hand, it ignites, he looks back to the Orcs, clearly channeling a spell, they thought.

???: "I am the hammer, of the Emperors will, and he deems you UNCLEAN XENOS, MEANT TO DIE!"

With those final words he hurls the growing orb of fire in his hands at the remaining orcs. The white blast incinerates them, leaving nothing. He looks around before looking to the party and says..

???: "You may step out now."

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