Zonah|age play

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Zach was getting more and more hate lately, he was walking sad around the house and he didn't have that much energy. Jonah being the mom of the band wanted to help him. He grabbed his phone and immediately started searching how he can cope with younger's problem.

Age play, that was the most common thing on different sights. He read about it and thought that Zach would be the cutest person in age play.

Jonah grabbed his car keys and drove to the nearest mall. He went to the section for children and he started looking around. Jonah grabbed diapers, bottles, cute clothes, blankets, teddy bears, pacifiers and other items that he thought he will need.

He came back home with a few bags in his hands. He ran to his room and put them on the floor, next to his bed.

"Jonah where were you?" Daniel asked.

"In the mall." he responded casually.

"Yeah, but what did you bought, you have got a lot of bags over there." Daniel pointed behind Jonah.

"Okay, close the door, I will tell you." he said sitting on the bed.

"I saw that Zach is really sad because of the hate lately and I'm scared that he is gonna start doing stupid shit." Daniel nodded his head showing that he was listening.

"And I read that the best thing for the hate it an age play."

"Yeah you are right, he isn't himself lately, try it with him, if you want a help I'm in room next to yours." Daniel smiled.

"Thanks Dani." the blonde boy walked out and Jonah started unpacking bags.

Jonah's bedroom is the biggest so he had place for a changing table and a crib. It took him a few hours to put everything just like he wanted, he fall on his bed exhausted, but he smiled that he did it for Zach.

Zach came back home from the walk, he was miserable as always and tired. He went straight to his room, he undressed himself and put sweats and a huge hoodie. He jumped under the quilt and snuggled into the pillow.

All of the negative thoughts came to his mind 'you are ugly', 'no one likes you', 'boys think you are a baby', 'kill yourself!' and more even horrible things.

He bursted crying, Jonah who was in a room next to his heard him and immediately ran to Zach. He opened the door and pulled the younger boy on his lap. Zach was straddling him and Jonah was hugging him tightly, jumping him a little bit just like a small baby.

After some time Zach cried himself to sleep. Jonah heard quite snores from the younger boy and he smiled.

It's time to put age play into a real life.

He got up with Zach in his hands and walked to his room, he put him on the changing table and went to grab diaper. It's now or never. He slowly pulled down Zach's sweats and put them in empty drawer.

Jonah took of gently younger's boxers, trying not to get hard. He grabbed white diaper with yellow starts and put it on Zach. He knew how to do this, since he has a younger sister svea and of course she used to be small and Jonah was changing her diaper from time to time.

He took of Zach's old hoodie and put a long-sleeve thight t-shirt, it was blue with also stars just like his diaper. He picked him up and put him in a crib, Jonah put a blanket over Zach, he took teddy bear and a pacifier and came back to the crib.

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