Chapter 4

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<Jungkook PoV>


"Ugh let me sleep Hyung"

"I miss you kookie baby"

V hyung wants to go on a morning walk. He's been talking about it since yesterday. He hated going alone. He's trying to persuade me to go. But he knows I can't say no to my Hyung .

"Morning walk is it? Hyung" I open my eyes.

He nods with eyes. I don't know how he does that. Well I can't say no to my Hyung. Especially V hyung. We are very close.


"I thought you wanted to walk Hyung! You're already tired?"

"Let's sit for a while kook please"

As we sit on the bench, I see Hyung is restless. He didn't even look tired. More importantly, he didn't even look like he wanted to come here to  walk.

Suddenly he got up and started stretching. What's wrong with him?

Everything made sense when I saw who was approaching in our direction. They hadn't spotted us. Then the tall girl who I believe is Rose pointed in our direction. That's when I saw the other girl was Jisoo noona.

"Jisoo! Rose" V hyung bowed. I get up and bow as well.

"I didn't know you walk too Sunbae" jisoo said .

V pouted.

Jisoo chuckled and corrected herself, "I mean Taehyung."

"Better" he smiled.

Jisoo seemed genuinely tired and sat next to me . She was panting. V hyung was admiring her and I could see it in his eyes.

"We're not done unni" Rose spoke with her hands in the air.

"Ah you want to continue Rose-ssi? Jungkook here also hasn't finished his walk. Why don't you go together and let unni rest, yeah?"

I don't mind really. Rose-ssi seems collected too.

"Cool" she says and looks at me.

"After you" I say and we begin jogging.

I usually pace off. But I'm trying to slow down to keep up with her. It's rude since I barely know her.

"You come here often?" She asks.

"Not really, I usually go to the other park. Hyung made us come here. Now that I think about it, I know why"

She laughed, "I usually go in the evening. Lisa overslept so unni brought me".

"Ahh" the thoughts of yesterday creep into my mind. I was kind of offended when Lisa said that , I want to prove her wrong . But I can't go as far as leading her on. That's just wrong.

"Which Park do you go to, Sunbae? I wouldn't mind coming there too"

Wait, what?

"The one in corner of the next road."

"Oh that one, that's where no one goes right?"

"Yep. I like being alone"

"Am I -" she began.

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