Chapter 13

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<Lisa PoV>

"You have been smiling for the past one hour!"

"Lisa! You're creeping me out!"

Unnie has been yelling from the past 2 minutes. She claims I've been smiling but I can't help it. It's been 6 hours since Jungkook left but I can't forget our mini adventure in the lift. It wasn't my first time but damn, it was good. I can't stop thinking about him.

"Lisa is there someone?"

"Wha-" I managed to finally answer.

"You look so in love. Is it Sehun? Jennie unnie said something" she said as she sat down next to me.

"N-no not Sehun. But I can't tell you yet"

She pouted, "Fine. But tell me first when you're ready"

I nodded and thanked God for her letting it go.

"Jimin doesn't know I'm here" she laughed.

"Jimin?" I said alarmed.

"N-no Jungkook. Of course, Jungkook. Why would I say Jimin" she laughed nervously.

I swear I heard Jimin buy I'll let it go. I was distracted to think further when her phone rang.

"Hey baby"

I guess it's Jungkook.

"About what?"

"Mhm okay. Is it important though?"

"Alright. See you"

She hung up and looked puzzled. "That's weird. He was desperate to tell something. I wonder what" she said to herself.

"Jungkook?" I asked.

"Yeah. We're spending the day with them tomorrow"

I just nodded.

"It's late. I'll go sleep" I said.


The next day

We're waiting in the reception for BTS. They just finished a shoot and we're going to spend time with them. Well I don't think they are amused. But they had to agree since Rose is with Jungkook.

"They're here" Unnie got up.

I got up to bow as well.

The five boys bowed as well and took a seat. Taehyung and Jungkook were missing.

"They'll be here. They are always last to come" Jimin Sunbae assured.

They were all talking and I heard footsteps. I turned to the hallway.

My heart Thief (Lizkook)Where stories live. Discover now