United we Fell | Part II

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A shabby stone structure greeted me as I limped into my quarters. The pinewood door slammed shut behind me and an audible 'click' sounded throughout the near-empty room as a slab of stygian iron fell into place and locked me in. I glanced across to the pitiful wooden table and chair before gently sitting myself down upon its awkward, hard surface. The cool chain dangled from where it clasped onto my lower neck and caressed the immovable yet certain face of the stone floor.


An officer came rapping at the entrance and when I responded, opened it and placed a tray bearing scraps of dried lamb, a steaming cup of green tea, a tiny little bit of lightly buttered bread and a pitiful amount of greens. She was soon on her way and I was glad that she didn't attempt at making small talk but even more so for the fact that she was not like some of the others around the place who'd beat a slave to hell and back for a stupid reason like: I needed to vent some stress and you were conveniently located. Or: Your face just reminded me of someone I hate. Some of them don't even bother with apologizing or giving a justification!

'Oh, for the love of-! You know what? I need to vent some stress.'

I unhurriedly got off of the stool before deliberately lowering myself onto my knees and reaching beneath the stiff, uncomfortable bed. With effort, I managed to fish out a small tar-black shoulder bag containing a leather notebook along with multiple inkpots of varying hues such as deep vermillion and shimmering golden, besides those sat a thin falcon's feather sharpened at the end to form a quill. Upon opening the notebook I found multiple poems and songs, hidden amongst those are prayers and vows of all sorts.

I began reading them silently to myself as well as the empty room.

I realise that one day, my fire will sputter and wither, only to disappear

However, I still burn bright, so as I pray

I hope that the soul of this child of flame return to the great inferno.

Through the tender and sweet Spring, bring prosperity, fertility and providence.

Through the harsh yet caring Summer, bring laughter, light and warmth.

Through the beautifully colourful Autumn, bring forth inspiration, artistry and aptitude

and through the coldly kind Winter, call up the spirits of family, friendship and fierce comradery.

I felt my earlier aggravation melting slowly away; seeping into the air where it was sucked up into the sky and vanished, never to be seen again. Flicking through the many pages, a sensation of comfortable warmth flowed through my veins. Soft curls of calm snaked beneath my pallid skin and tickled my senses. 'I wonder how far we've truly fallen, a pretty good way if I had to guess'. I wolfed down the meagre food with little satisfaction before laying down against the cold recluse that was the bed. I drew the thin furs close and leapt into the murky void of sleep once again.

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