Chapter one

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Heroes Guild

All of us sat inside the Heroes Guild waiting for Theresa to return from Bowerstone market, I looked around at everyone, we were all either eating or laying on the floor sleeping. "When is Theresa supposed to be back anyways she said she'd be here a hour ago and that hour has passed already!" Gabriel rubbed his arm anxiously "What If she is in trouble!" he stood up "What if she is in danger!" Gabriel began walking around the Heroes guild "She's fine Gabriel!" I stood up and walked over to him, "She's stronger than she looks!" Gabriel looked at me like a I was stupid.

"Well do you realize that I'm the only one here who hasn't died from old age! I'm just immortal!" He got in my face and began yelling "She wasn't so strong when she was attacked by the devourer and got poisoned!" I stepped back preparing my magic to attack him with, and he prepared his gauntlets. "Bloody hell are you two doing!" We looked at Hannah and garth "Do not attack each other in here are you mad, the place might collapse!" Hannah looked at him and sighed "If it means that much to you I'll go see where she is." I looked at Gabriel and shoved him before going back and sitting down on the floor. I sat down across from Sparrow and laid down on the floor I laid there still and slowly drifted to sleep before I was bothered by Garth, "Put your head on my leg it's much more comfortable than the floor and it'll save you a headache." I smiled a little and laid my head on his leg and drifted back to sleep, except not just dreamless like always, there was something odd and very real about this dream

~~Anne's Nightmare~~

I sat up from off the floor, Garth was no longer next to me and the Heroes Guild looked like it had been abandoned for years, I looked around only to see Theresa standing at her old table, it was rotted and looked like it'll break at any time, I stared at Theresa's unmoving body. The red had faded much almost looking orange "...Theresa?" I walked closer to it, once I got closer I realized she wasn't moving at all "Theresa?" I put my hand on its shoulder before realizing it was a dummy that had on Theresa's clothing on it "What the hell –" When a cry for help rang out I ran over to the cry for help It... But it couldn't be! She's at Bowerstone market! I suddenly stopped realizing I had made a horrible mistake, I ran right into my friends and Theresa, but they looked like their bodies had been dead and rotting for a long time, They all ran at me with knifes and the second it entered my skin, I screamed and fell through the broken floor, right as I landed I noticed my surroundings--

I was in the spire... "Your little friends cannot help you now seer! Your mine!" I couldn't move it was like a vision I was watching Theresa, she was being held by some sort of monster with bright red eyes. She gasped for air as it continued squeezing  the life out of her "Nothing you've ever done has been good enough for this world" I watched as tears ran from her eyes, "Y-Your wr-wrong! Those heroes will put y-you back in pl-place!" I Watched as he dropped her onto the floor and she gasped in pain, "Those heroes are weaker than the guild master!" She looked at the thing before it showed it's true form "That's if they can recover your memory, Theresa" My eyes widened as he grabbed Theresa's chin and hit her upside the head with a bottle of balverine spine. 

~~End of nightmare / Vision~~

I jolted up and to my surprise Garth sat there the entire time "Are you okay?" I sat back down and began sobbing "She isn't at bowerstone market--" I continued sobbing "S-Shes at th-the sp-spire!" Garth stood up disgusted "Don't joke around like that, It isn't funny." I looked at him upset "If I was joking I wouldn't be crying--!" Before we could continue speaking hannah ran into the room "We spoke with the guards of bowerstone market! She was never there! She went to the spire!" Gabriel stood up along with me at the same time "Well! We need to get there NOW!" Garth shouted, that was rare for him to shout "Alright!" we all shouted back, "There's a boat dock at Westcliff!" garth sighed "Everyone link hands now!" We all did, And the second we did.. We there teleported to westcliffs beach- "Go kill the ship captain unless he offers his boat for this!" He handed me a bag of gold and I nodded and ran to the ship captain "Hey! I need your boat to get to the spire, our friend is trapped there and in danger!" He looked at me with bright red eyes "I knew you would come running to save your friend," I screamed as he tackled me onto the floor "She's gone you can't save her."

I struggled before hannah dragged him off of me and bashed his head into mush. "Let's get going." Hannah offered her hand out, I grabbed her hand and we ran onto the boat, Garth ran up to the steering wheel and we set sail for the spire... God, I hope she's still alive...

     ~~Time skip 9:57pm.~~

I looked at Gabriel who was looking overboard clearly worried, Indeed Theresa is like a mother to all of us, except gabriel... She was more controlling and jealous. "Gabriel." I walked over to him cautious "Are you okay?" He looked at me and his eyes glossed over "Y'know, when I had to rebuild Theresa's body... I almost couldn't." My eyes widened at his comment "When she died I was supposed to be the next seer of Albion." He sighed and began crying "O-Once her b-body was rebuilt, I had to ki-kill myself to give her powers b-back..." He wiped his eyes "I thought she wouldn't bring me back, but she did..." I patted his shoulder "Maybe it'll be best if you got some sleep, hannah and sparrow already went to bed," He agreed and we went to the captain's quarters and we all huddled up like we always do when we all sleep, Garth said he's okay steering all night since he can just use magic for that kinda stuff, I just hope Theresa is alright. I stopped before walking up to garth, "So... Have any idea why she went to the spire without us?" He looked at me and sighed "She most likely wanted to protect us from whatever the spire held for us, I-" He stopped before looking at me "She sees us as family since we're the only thing she has left, we couldn't bring back her brother, but maybe we can in the future, remember he died on his way to go visit his wife one day in bowerstone, nobody knows how he died, but he did and whatever they did to his body he wasn't able to be recovered from death." I sighed "Hopefully... We can one day-" Garth cut me off "Go get some sleep you need much energy for tomorrow." I agreed, I was indeed very tired. "Goodnight garth." He nodded and I went into the cabin with the others... My mind was racing I couldn't stop thinking, I closed my eyes to try to sleep.

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