Part 1

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Life as a hunter was never glamorous, but it was rewarding. You had been hunting with your father since your sixteenth birthday and you loved every second of it. Saving people from the things that went bump in the night was what you were good at and now at 35 years old you were still doing what you loved.  You're sitting in a bar when your phone starts ringing. Sighing you set your beer back on the table and answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Is this (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" The voice sounds familiar and you spend a few seconds trying to figure out who's voice it is. "Hello?" The male voice comes through the phone again.

"Yeah, sorry. Yes this is she." You say, throwing a twenty on your table and grabbing your beer.

You walk outside, turning your attention back to the phone call. "Great, listen. This is Bobby Singer."

"Bobby? I haven't seen or even heard from you since that vamp's nest. How ya been?"

"I've been good. Listen, I have a favor." Bobby says, waiting for your answer.

"Whatcha need?"

"I need you to keep an eye on Sam and Dean."

"Bobby, I'm pretty sure them boys can handle themselves."

"Please, it would help me out." Bobby pleads with you.

"Alright fine. Can I ask what's going on?"

"I'm just worried about them is all. Listen, come to the salvage yard and we'll get y'all set up and working a case together, okay?"

"Yeah sounds good, Bobby. I'll be there in a few hours." You say, climbing on your motorcycle.

"A few hours?" Bobby questions, making you smile.

"Yeah, I just got done working a case in some small town in Iowa so I'm only about two hours away." You explain.

"Alright, see you soon then." Bobby says before ending the call.

Two hours later
You arrive at Bobby' place and walk up to the house. You knock on the door, hearing footsteps approach the door you take a step back. You are expecting to see Bobby but when the door opens you are greeted by who you can only assume is Sam Winchester. "Hey, c'mon in."

You nod and smile at Sam following him through the house to where Bobby and Dean are sitting enjoying glasses of whiskey. Bobby looks up from the book he was flipping through and smiles at you " you don't waste any time do you?"

" No sir, I don't." You say, giving him a small smile.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N) (Y/L/N) is that you?" Dean asks, getting up from his chair and walking towards you.

"Yeah, it's me. Bobby, what am I here for?" You ask, turning Dean's attention away from you.

"There's a case in California the boys have been researching and we needed the opinion of an expert for this."

" An expert? Why am I here then?" You ask, putting your hands on your hips.

"You're here because you know everything there is to know about these things." Bobby snaps,.

"Werewolves?" You ask, instantly tensing up.

Bobby nods, giving you a concerned look. "You alright?"

You nod, giving all the men a reassuring smile. "I'm fine. Werewolves, huh, haven't heard or seen much of them in a really long time, but they tend to avoid me."

"Which is why Bobby called you I gather. What makes you the expert on them anyway?" Sam asks, sitting up a little straighter.

"Other than the fact that I was one for a few years, I spent a good chunk of time hunting them with my dad." You say, you hand immediately going to the scar the wolf that killed your father left.

"Wait, you were a werewolf?" Sam asks, eyeing you curiously.

" Not exactly. My dad and I were on a hunt and he was killed and I ended up living with the pack that killed him. When they weren't able to turn, I did the hunting." You explain, looking down at the floor.

" That sounds awful." Sam says, walking over to you and laying a hand on your shoulder.

"How'd you get out of that?" Dean asks, making you roll your eyes.

"The pack sent me out to hunt one night and so I ran. I got lucky and there happened to be a couple hunters in the area that were actually working on finding that pack, so I lead them to 'em and that was the end of it." You sit next to Bobby and gesture towards the bottle of whiskey sitting next to him.

Bobby gets up and grabs you a glass, pouring a generous amount of whiskey and handing it to you. " So boys, (Y/N) will be joining you on this hunt and hopefully making it easier than what it normally would be."

"Awesome. We leave first thing tomorrow morning. Be sure to have your stuff ready." Dean says, making Sam roll his eyes.

"Sam, are we actually leaving first thing in the morning?" You ask, not wanting to get up super early.

Sam shakes his head and smiles at you. "No, he says that all the time and we usually end up leaving at around 9 in the morning, but I would have your stuff ready and in the car before then."

You nod giving Sam a small smile. "Thanks."

Sam smiles at you "No problem. Can I ask you a question?"

You nod. "Sure, what's up?"

" Do you and Dean have a history together? Only reason I ask is because he got real tense when you walked in the room." Sam asks, making you frown.

"Yeah we do, Sam. It's not exactly the greatest history ever either." You say, frowning.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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