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I chased Olive to a pool
Olive:Look..Soo Big!
Me:I know right
?:You must be Seungmins Future wife , right?
I looked at the man and nodded
?:I am Jeongin ,Seungmins bestie , you are?
He said to Olive
Olive:Olive , Y/Ns Bestie
He lightly smiled at Her , then left
Olive:Dont get the wrong reason...
Seungmin came over
Seung:Y/N and her friend want me to show you our room?
Seung:hehe , yes ours..
Me:S-Sure , cmon Olive
We followed him to a beatiful room
Me:Its so pretty
Seung:I know
He smiled at me and He looked so handsome, Im not mad about this arranged marriage
Seung:Im happy you like it
Seung:Yes Jeongin?
Jeong:Oh hello!.
They smile at each other
Me:Umm Olive we should go get something to eat
Olive nods
Jeong and Seung:You guys look pretty!
Olive:T-Thank you!
Then we left
Seung POV
Jeong:You got what you wanted
Jeongin said as he rolled his eyes , I liked Y/N since I met her , when we were 10,She never knew me though , when her mom started working with my mom , I fell in love , but Y/M/N has to make her daughter marry me so she can make more money for her house
Me:Yes , I did
Jeongin:Cmon get to know her
Me:I will dont worry , hmm what about Olive?
I said smirking
Jeongin:Shes pretty
He said blushing , I just laugh at my younger band mate
Me:Oh no , we have to tell Y/N about our group..
Jeongin: She wont mind , Right?
Me: She shouldnt..
Jeongin: Then we have to introduce her to our other Hyungs!
Me: ok no biggy.

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