Chapter 4

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January 8, night

My heart was beating double time as I opened the door. I knew she was there. Maybe I should have called the security desk and put an end to this ridiculous situation. But I couldn't. Something about it fascinated me too much to stop it.

She was wearing a long, sky-blue beaded dress, and her hair was twisted into a chignon with a feather clip. She didn't explain the reason for such a transformation from her initial appearance. In fact, she didn't say a thing about our first encounter.

"What's this really all about?" I asked, stepping into the hallway. I was standing there in my billowy nightgown like Wendy in Peter Pan. I had my journal in the front pocket, and I gripped it with one hand, as if it would give me strength.

"I want you to meet some friends of mine. We're having quite a lovely party. Come along..."

She took me by the hand, led me swiftly right, left, up a flight, then down another, around a few corners, into an empty room, and finally to what looked like a ladder scaling one wall. I followed. My bare feet awkwardly gripped each step. Jazzy music wafted into my ears from above. She arrived at the top and pulled me with her through a large square of darkness pierced only by flashing lights.

We were sitting on our knees on hardwood floors. At the feet of a bartender. His well-polished shoes going through almost a tap dance routine from right to left. I realized we were behind a bar. Champagne was flowing. She stood up and pulled me along with her. Beyond the zinc counter, the dance floor was packed. Stars glowed through bay windows lining the far wall. The bartender didn't seem to notice us as he handed out glass after glass.

The band played Sing! Sing! Sing! I hadn't heard that tune since those long afternoons at my grandma's house when I was a kid. And even then, it was ancient. Dresses of taffeta, silk and sequins swayed as men rolled up their sleeves and twirled their partners around the floor. Disco balls and flashes of light turned the trombone pink, green and silver in sequence before puffs of smoke swallowed up my view of the band.

Then, out of the haze, he emerged. He couldn't have been much older than me, but he had a presence that seemed ageless. It wasn't the stylish velvet tuxedo jacket or the expensive watch that drew everyone's eyes to him. After all, the people staying at this place wore their share of luxury goods. No, it was something indescribable. He brushed back his silky, dark hair with one hand and touched the arm of his partner, a doe-eyed blond, with the other.

"Well if it isn't Destiny!" he said in a smooth, melodious voice. I stood there dumbly as he stopped in front of us and kissed my guide on both cheeks. His partner, hostility flashing through green eyes, stepped back.

"Sam, be sociable," he said, and then turned his million-dollar smile to me.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't even know what I was doing there. And to make matters worse, I remembered that I was wearing a nightgown at a most-elegant party. But none of this seemed to matter to him.

"I'm Gabriel, and this is my darling Sam."

Sam grinned at me. A kind, likable face.

"Are you one of my sister's new friends?" Gabriel continued. "She's always meeting people..."

Destiny took control of the situation. She placed a delicate hand on my shoulder.

"Yes, you can say we're becoming friends. We met downstairs. I thought she would enjoy seeing the other side of this place. Your parties are always unforgettable."

"That's my sister for you." Gabriel rolled his eyes. "I can do no wrong."

I forced a pleasant look onto my face even though I felt awkward, out of place. Only glancing at Sam brought me a hint of relief. He seemed the most like me among all of these strangers. Sam remained beside Gabriel but still hadn't looked at Destiny.

"That's not all," Destiny was saying.

"Oh really?" Gabriel replied, feigning surprise.

"She has to meet Will. He's here, isn't he?"

Gabriel nodded.

"I saw him earlier, at the far end of the room."

Destiny took my hand. But suddenly, the smoke from the dance floor was overwhelming me. I couldn't move forward. I couldn't move backward. I was trapped. I wanted to scream. I thought I was fainting. Memories of the last failed attempt to end it all flooded my head. Did someone drug me? I didn't drink anything... And then the world went dark.


I scribbled down everything like a madwoman after groggily waking up at 6 a.m. in my hotel bed. I had to remember all of the details. Was I going crazy? Everything had to be a dream. But why was I having these insane dreams? Maybe that visit from a naked woman the other night—Destiny—was a dream. No wonder the hotel staff looked at me like I was a complete nutcase. The receptionist must have told everyone about my bizarre complaint. 

I jumped out of bed and ran to the mirror. The bathroom tile cooled my feet. I was overheated. My normally pink complexion was raspberry, and my hair was standing on end. I inhaled and exhaled slowly—one, two, three times. I was going to take a shower, go downstairs and get busy on my exhibit. I had to forget about Destiny. She was a figment of my imagination. Nothing more.

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