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Howls and screams of terror and pain mixed together, the only sounds in the silence of the night.  It was as if the night life itself knew the dangers of being caught out tonight.  The poor humans never stood a chance.  A human could never out run a wolf, let alone a werewolf.

"Run Skyler! Find a tree to climb!" A girl screamed out, one of the poor humans now entangled into the world of the supernatural.  The girl stood protectively in front of Skyler, a brunette of the same height.  The girl shoved Skyler backwards and the wolf in front of her growled.  It was the only wolf around, the other three seemed to attack on her friends.  The wolf charged at the girl and she jumped to the side, claws scraping her arms.  The girl winced in pain.

"Go Skyler!  Please!"  The girl commanded.

"But Sunny!" Skyler backed away slowly, eyeing the midnight colored wolf. The wolf growled at Skyler who stood there looking scared.  Sunshine, known as Sunny to her friends glared at her sister.

"Go! Get to the road, find a car!" Sunny said as she grabbed a rock from the ground and threw it at the wolf, hitting it on the head.  The wolf turned it's attention towards her.  Her sister turned and started to run away and the wolf once again focused on her sister. She threw another stick at it, knowing it was useless.  She was dead either way, but hopefully she could live long enough for her sister to get to the road. Maybe her sister would find a car, maybe her sister would at least survive.  Let it be said that Sunshine, was a fierce protector over those who she loved, and her gentle sheepish sister brought out every protective instinct she had. She kept throwing what she could at it, sticks, rocks, dirt, it focused on her and growled, striking fear into her.  Sunshine challenged the wolf with her eyes.  The wolf began to advance towards her.  It launched itself at her, it's jaw clamping down on her arm.  Sunshine cried out as it took her down onto the ground, momentarily stunning her.

"Sunny!" Skyler wailed out into the night.  The wolf stopped attacking her and glanced in the direction her sister had ran. The wolf then howled and took off in that direction.  Sunshine picked herself up from the ground with a whimper.

"Fuck," she cried out. Sunshine took off after her the wolf and sister, hoping she would get there in time, even if her head was spinning. 

'This is probably the most foolish thing I have done in my life,' Sunshine could not help but think. Sunshine came upon the horrific scene soon, her sister's body was crumpled onto the ground, her legs looking a mess.  She glanced at the midnight wolf attacking a brown and white wolf.  The midnight wolf was huge compared to the brown and white wolf, easily dwarfing it. She grabbed her sister and her sister whimpered in pain causing the midnight wolf to howl.  The brown and white wolf launched itself at the midnight wolf, catching it in the neck just barely as it ducked.

" came..." Skyler whispered, her hazel eyes shimmering with tears.

"I'm here...of course I would."


"I just can't leave you!"

"We both know you cannot drag me out of here and escape."

"As if I could escape at this point..." Sunshine cried, tears pooling in her eyes.  Sunshine heard a new set of howls in the distance. All of a sudden there was a bite on her shoulder and she was dragged away.  Sunshine screamed out in agony, teeth tearing her skin from her shoulder.  She was tossed against a tree suddenly, causing her to gasp out for air.  Sunshine turned her head towards her sister, to see the midnight wolf launch itself at her again.  She didn't have time to react when it bit down on her side. Sunshine cried out again.

"Fuck! Fuck you, you stupid wolf, stay away from my sister," Sunshine said at it advanced towards her sister.  The wolf turned around and glowered at her, growling.  It attacked her with its claws, batting her around and cutting deep into her skin.  Sunshine felt dizzy and she stopped moving, stopped fighting back.  Her vision began to get blurry.  The wolf left her alone then and she saw the strangest site then, the midnight wolf began a strange transformation.  It turned into a naked man.  Sunshine would have laughed or thought she had been slipped some drugs, if the pain and nausea bearing down on her was not making it real.  Bad enough it felt like there was a fire inside of her and she felt hot, far to hot.  Her vision blurred and she blacked out.

"Sunshine!" A familiar male voice called to her briefly as felt like she was floating in darkness.  Sunshine wondered where she had heard that voice before.

Of Blood and Sinew (Moon Born #1)Where stories live. Discover now