Chapter Nine :: The Gate of the Old Moon [ editing ]

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"You don't need to do anything.  You don't even have to participate," Liam inserted.

"Well I am supposed to be integrated myself into werewolf lifestyle, so wouldn't this be part of it?" Sunshine shot back.

"The first night after the new moon in the month of October is when we celebrate this holiday.  We call it The Gate of the Old Moon," William informed her.

"The Gate of the Old Moon?"

"It's an ancient holiday, it is similar to Samhain, but for werewolves its a holy day in honoring our ancestors, but it is also for the members who have died in the year, for the unborn children, and for those who did make it through the Bite."

"And it is useless without a member who can communicate with the pack spirits," Liam pointed out.

"How is it useless?"

"It is not useless and you know it," William stated calmly eyeing Liam.

"Why is it useless?"

"You need a...Pack Medium, it's a type of Pack Doctor, but they are rarer than Pack Doctors.  They travel to other packs during this time help with releasing the spirits.  If a spirit stays to long, it can become malevolent. Of course this is not all the time, but some spirits also become trapped here and want to move on, but cannot.  At least that is what was explained to me once," William explained.  Sunshine wondered to herself if she would be considered a Pack Medium.  She could see ghosts, but she did not know if she had the ability to do what they do.

"Yes, hence it is useless to do it."

"We have a visiting Pack Medium this year," William said stiffly.

"Who?" Liam asked surprised.

"The famous Alpha Victor Aurelius," William answered.  Liam stopped responding at this and then a slow easy smile came upon his face.  It was a smile full of deviousness.

"Then maybe you should be nicer to Sunshine here, Alpha Aurelius would hate to hear how you were treating a newly bitten female," Liam said darkly.  William froze at this and then glared at Liam.

"You are to be at the pack clearing at six'o'clock pm," William informed stiffly before whipping around and stalking off into the house.  Sunshine's mouth opened and closed several times, unable to form a reply.  She began to laugh, clutching her stomach.

"That was good, I never seen him react like that," Sunshine admitted.  Liam shrugged at this.

"William is Beta, he should understand better.  I think he is angry and treating you badly because you are the only Ulfrica in this pack.  His mate is one of the Liulfr and cannot do a voice command except for when she borrows his power."


"It's why I think he is worried about you.  You are newly bitten and untrained, but technically through power, even if untrained you would be a good match for Micah as a mate."

"I don't want that.  He is the one that is threatening to kill me every so often if I don't obey..."

"And yet you are having sex with him."  Sunshine rolled her eyes at this.

"We are two consenting adults.  You don't have to trust someone to have sex."

"That is true, but most people are either friends or it is just a one night stand."

"Only one involves trust," Sunshine said and rolled her eyes again.  She decided to change the subject from her sex life.  "So what is the ceremony like?"

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