Chapter 17 - SLC - TITLE TBA [ Editing ]

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They drove in silence.  Sunshine had no desire to go towards Zoey's location.  She didn't have to be told to know they were probably going to end up at a gruesome scene.  The vampires who were hunting werewolves seemed prone to violence.  Sunny gripped her leg briefly, thinking back to the house in the suburbs. She didn't have to see the bodies, she saw the blood.  The one good quality about spirits is that they didn't look like how they died.

"If it-" Micah started.

"I know what you are saying, don't worry about, it I will," Sunshine interrupted.  It was not a true promise, because she felt desperate to help in any way she could.  Jimmy, the kidnapped werewolf kid was only seven years old.  To Sunshine, that in itself was a true unforgivable act.  Sure the gruesome murders bothered her too, but it was the destruction of a young innocent mind that sent her reeling.   Sunny's eyes flicked towards the road noting they were heading out of the city and towards the woods.  They pulled up into a driveway of a once boarded up house and parked next to the spare car. The windows were shattered and the door to the house was broken down.  Sunny opened the door and a cold wind blew the scent of blood from the direction of the house, causing Sunny to shiver causing unfamiliar feelings to arise in her.

"Sunny?" Micah questioned, his eyes carefully studying her.

"I am fine," Sunshine said, smiling in an attempt to disarm Micah's concern.  She strode towards the front door, Micah following behind her.  Daniel appeared at the front door then, a grimace on his face.

"It is gruesome in there.  The vampires were definitely here and had stayed for quite a while.  It looks like they recently moved, but Zoey is having issues picking up where the could have gone," Daniel informed Micah, his tone completely business.

"That's problematic. Have you called Alpha Simmons?"

"I already called the Alpha while Zoey was calling you.  He is sending Beta Woods and a clean up crew out here."

"Then we have a brief amount of time to look around ourselves, let's go," Micah said looking over at Sunshine.  Sunshine nodded and stepped into the house, the smell of blood thick against her nostrils.  She took a deep breath inhaling the scents, catching a whiff of cat piss and stale cigarettes. There was also a scent of sickness in the house that made her stomach curl.  Sunshine glanced around wondering where the spirits were.  She walked towards the left, the scent of blood drawing her towards the unknown. Sunshine passed through a door into a kitchen.  It was empty except for mouse drippings. Her eyes was instantly drawn to a white door set against the peeling paint.

"Don't go down there yet, the bodies are down there.  It is gruesome..." Daniel said his voice trailing off expression haunted.  Sunshine nodded and moved away from the door choosing to leave through a different doorway.  She glanced around at the bare room.  There was no spirits here either.  She wondered around the rest of the house, eventually heading upstairs too look around but she found no spirits anywhere in the house.  Sunshine sighed heavily as she entered into the kitchen.

"Are there any spirits here?"

"No, I did not find any.  They could have gone where spirits are gone or wandered away from their bodies.  Who knows at this point?" Sunshine shrugged.

"Let's head down stairs, there is nothing here for us up here.  This house is empty," Micah said, his tone serious.  His facial expression was like stone, unmoving, telling her nothing of what he felt.  Daniel opened the door for the two of them.

"You guys can go down there, I will stay up here," Daniel said grimacing at the smell hit the three werewolves fully.  Sunshine wrinkled her nose at the smell of decay.  Sunshine nodded wishing she had a human nose for once but she was aware that even if she did, the smell would be awful.  She inwardly groaned about having to go into a crime scene with rotting bodies.  Micah went down the stairs first, clutching a flashlight in his hands.  Her eyes adjusted to the darkness as Sunshine descended, but it was hard to see into the basement.  Micah flicked on the flashlight, it's bright light shining against a bare wall.

Of Blood and Sinew (Moon Born #1)Where stories live. Discover now