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Shrek slept in his home, he was dreaming of cotton candy unicorns. Then, he suddenly woke up, as if his mind was on an automatic alarm clock. He lay there in bed thinking of something to do, "I know!" he shouted. "I'll go on an adventure!" Outside sat an owl, he felt quite lonely, and was looking to make some friends. He started to fly around, and saw an Ogre, laying with his face in the mud, he seemed to have fallen asleep in the middle of the swamp. the owl flew over to the Ogre, and woke him up. "Hi, Mister..." said the owl. "Who are you?" the Ogre rolled over and replied. "SHREK HERE!" he said. "I'm Shrek, I don't know why I introduced myself so strangely, who are you?" "I'm Mr. Owl." said the owl. "My name is quite a creative one."

"Do you want to be my friend?" Asked Mr. Owl. "Sure." Shrek replied. Mr. Owl seemed rather happy about Shrek's response. "I'm bored." Said Shrek. "Do you want to go on an adventure?" Mr. Owl seemed puzzled. "No?" Asked Shrek. "Oh, I want to, I'm pretty bored actually, but how do you go on an adventure?" Asked Mr. Owl, seeming concerned. "I don't know, why don't we go find someone to ask?" suggested Shrek. "Ok, that sounds like a good idea." Mr. Owl replied. Shrek seemed to like that Mr. Owl agreed with him.

The two friends set off into the forest, but couldn't find anyone, they searched the village but nobody was there. After walking through the swamp, through the forest, through the village, and through the field, they saw a figure in the distance. They walked, and walked, and walked, but no matter how far they went, they didn't seem to get any closer to the figure. After a few hours of walking, Mr. Owl had the idea to let Shrek ride on his back, and they would fly over to the figure. "are you sure this is ok?" Asked Shrek. "It's fine, I just want to get to that figure, hop on!" replied Mr. Owl. Shrek did as Mr. Owl said, and they flew over to the figure, once they got close enough the figure became a blur, and then the blur stretched to the right, and disappeared.

"WATCH OUT, HE'S BEHIND US!" Yelled Shrek. Mr. Owl turned around quickly, and just barely managed to dodge a few projectiles. "Who are you?" Asked Mr. Owl.

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