Greta Thunberg is undoubtably passionate, but I can't help but feel like she's been indoctrinated. Perhaps by her Parents, by her educators, friends, our social climate. She walked out of her school and refused to rejoin her studies unless adults promised to start working on our current "climate crisis." Her speech is emotional, and somewhat captivating but regardless is based on emotion and has absolutely no statistical structure.
One of the biggest allegations is "Most of Greta's adversaries are men, and that's because of a misogynystic entity." Apparently the proven psychological proclivity that men are more aggressive and responsive to Events has nothing to do with the backlash against her. The reality of the situation is that the biological nature of the individual has nothing to do with people disagreeing with her, and it has everything to do with complete and udder nonsense and the reaction to it.
Let's go through a few of her quotes, and do some judging..
Quotes Provided by the BBC.
- "For so long, our leaders have been dancing around climate change as if it's not an actual threat."
- "You must unite behind the science. You must take action. You must do the impossible. Because giving up can never ever be an option." - US Congress, Washington DC, 17 September 2019
- "We are striking because we have done our homework, and they have not." - Climate protest in Hamburg, Germany, 1 March 2019
- "The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us, I say - we will never forgive you." - UN Climate Summit, New York, 23 September 2019
These quotes are absolutely ridiculous and great example of "Cognitive Dissonance." As the socialists like to accuse her adversaries of. Here is a short list of significant individuals and scientists since 1970 who made predictions towards mass extinction and were wrong.
List provided by the AEI
- Harvard biologist George Wald, New York Times, Paul Ehrlich, Denis Hayes, Peter Gunter, Ecologist Kenneth Watt, Barry Commoner, Harrison Brown, Sen. Gaylord Nelson.
So before we go around throwing accusations out, take a look at the actual culture regarding this issue and see that it's overwhelmingly constructed by socialists who have nothing but guesses and wrong predictions. I suppose EVENTUALLY they might get it right.
Sorry Greta and supporters, the climate is changing but not necessarily the way you think it is. We have yet to over populate the earth, we have yet to completely endanger the human race, and we have yet to destroy entire ecosystems. Strong feelings and emotions won't change that.