Chapter One: Like the Red Sea, and I was Moses on a Mission

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So if you read the first chapter already, I did change Amethyst's name too Peyton. I figured it would fit better with the story. Also, literally as I was writing this chapter I had some drunk college student break into my place thinking it was his. College is a fun time. Enjoy the chapter!

The first day of school I woke up at 6:45 to an abundance of texts reminding me about the dare I was supposed to complete. How could I forget? Use Carter to earn money and get my boyfriend back.

Man, the eleventh grade was already filling with drama and it hasn't even started yet. 

After going through my morning routine, I went into the kitchen where I saw my six year old brother Liam trying to blow up our microwave by putting a metal bowl in it. 

"You can't do that Liam" I scolded as I took the bowl out, yelping as I grabbed it not thinking about how hot it would be. Liam mocked my pain by laughing. What a loving brother I was blessed with. I poured the bowl of cereal, seriously I have so many questions like why is the cereal in a metal bowl and why did he want to heat it up, into the garbage and started making him a new bowl.

"Where's mom?" I asked, grabbing the frootloops from the counter. 

"Sleeping" he responded, attention drawn to a fly that was buzzing around the room. He had the same attention span as that fly. Mom hadn't come home till one in the morning last night, so it was best to leave her be. A car honked outside letting me know that Renee was here.

"Ok Liam I have to go to school now, you good to get to the bus by yourself today?" I asked putting his bowl of cereal in front of him. He practically inhaled his first bite, answering me with his mouth full.

"Uh huh, yup. Eight forty five, at the corner" I ruffled his curly brown hair, and bent down to kiss his cheek.

"Gross, cooties" he whined, wiping his cheek with the back of his hand. 

"I'm your sister. If I have cooties then you have cooties. Have a good first day buddy" I shouldered my backpack before leaving, Nee honking at me to hurry up. Her silver jeep was parked on my lawn, like it always was when she drove. How she got her license I will never know.

"Nice park job" I told her sarcastically, sliding into the seat. 

"Is it really a park job if I never put the car into park?" she looked at me over the top of her sunglasses, giving me a look that said 'I don't think so', before stepping on the gas giving me no time to put on my seatbelt. 

"Jesus would you give me a second. And you didn't put the car into park?" I finally managed to put my seatbelt on, glaring over at her as she laughed.

"I wasn't parking, I was waiting for your slow ass to get out of the house. Not my fault there's no W on the gear" she told me, taking a sharp left. Sometimes I think Nee isn't actually that bad of a driver, and she's just trying to scare me. But then I remember that time she accidentally put the car into reverse and we ended up driving backwards down my street and ended up knocking over someones garbage cans. Why I keep getting into a car with her I will never know.

"The D is going to stand for death if you keep driving like a maniac"

"If you don't like my driving you could always woman up and get your license" it was true. I didn't have my license. It wasn't that I didn't want my license, it was that I had no one to take me driving. My dad would have if he hadn't left his family to go drink Pina coladas on a beach with some dumb blonde barbie doll. My mom didn't have the time to take me driving, and I couldn't afford drivers ed. And there was no way in hell I was going to let Nee try and teach me. So there was no point in trying to get my license. 

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