Bubble breath

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Quirk name: Bubble breath

Type: Emitter

Quirk description:

The quirk users saliva is made of a sweet liquid, almost identical to that of bubble solution. The users saliva can be blown into bubbles, both small and large and unlike regular bubbles, are very resistant and difficult to pop. When they are destroyed though, they make a small 'ping' sound.


Since the bubbles the quirks user can create are difficult to pop, they work well as shields to block attacks from opponents. This also means they can be touch and used as a weapon when fighting by throwing them at people or hitting people with them (kinda like dodgeball lol). In battle, they could also be used as a means of transportation. This is going to be a little difficult to explain... Larger bubbles can be stood on so if the user was to make a trail of bubbles in mid air, they'd be able to walk/run across them to get around or they could jump from bubble to bubble if you get what i mean.

Drawback and weaknesses:

The bubbles aren't indestructible and if hit by a quirk hard enough they will be popped. They also cannot disappear at the users will so there is a chance they could get in the way whilst battling.

If the quirk is used too much, the users mouth with become dry and bitter tasting although this can be solved by drinking lots of water or any sugary, sweet beverages. If any of the users saliva was to get in anyone's eyes (including the quirk users), it will cause irritation for short periods of time.

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