part 1

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Mario pov

I woke up on the first day of summer luigi usually is up hours before me so I assume he went out, luigi is my adopted brother but we are basically blood my mom adopted him when I was little I brushed my teeth and put on a outfit


I went downstairs to see Luigi eating some left over cake our 14th birthday was a little bit ago "luigi really cake for breakfast" luigi looked up "you just woke up and its noon don't judge me" mom walked in " boys I'm off for tour" mom is a famous singer and shes going on summer tour witch ment we were going to be by ourselves all summer luigi put moms stuff in the car as she left my girlfriend peach and luigi best friend toad pulled up "hey Mario" she said getting out the car "hey baby" I say hugging her "I missed you so much" we went inside as Luigi and toad talk

3rd person

In the garden of the royal Castle sat queen, at the castle gate the guards were called to the king as that happened a man on a motor cycle rode through the empty gate driving up to the garden followed by white van men in white masks red hoodies and tactical gear step out and grab the queen and drive into the woods.

"Hey this is my first real story so I hope you like"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2019 ⏰

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