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This is in no way intended to offend anyone who may believe in Lord Doitsu. It's just a ridiculous short story I came up with. Please take no offense.

"Doitsuism...What a ridiculous thing!"

Next thing he knows, he's tied to a stake. Looking down, he sees a crowd of blue-eyed blondes

(Some with blue contacts and dyed hair.) staring angrily at him. Some were holding torches

and others were throwing wood at his feet. "What are you doing?! YOU'RE ALL MAD!"

The Doitsuists started chanting in a monotonous voice: "Shine bright like a Doitsu." All the while,

setting the wooden fodder to flames. The last thing he saw, as he suffocated and burned, was

a bunch of glossy blue eyes glaring at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2014 ⏰

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