The story

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"What the hell do you want now Emi?" I groaned into my mobile. She had called me right when i was going to the ice-cream truck.

"Uh, well..." Emi trailed off. She sounded a bit shaky.

"Emi tell me already," I sighed. She was bound to be in some trouble on one of her quests.

"I was interested in checking out that big, creepy property near your house and it didn't look too confusing so i went in. But, uh i got lost. Can you please come help me? I promise I'll buy you some ice-cream" Emi pleaded. I face-palmed. Of course, she got lost again.

"Ok I'm coming to get you, are you ok?" I asked.

"Well, it's awfully cold here and honestly I feel like something is here with me," Emi cried.

"Emi calm down. How many times have you said you felt something was watching you and it was nothing?" I asked.

"Yeah. But I swear it feels so real this time,"

I sighed. "Yeah that's what you said last time. Look I'm coming to get you. Just sit tight so you don't get even more lost" I said, heading downstairs.

"Ok, but hurry up my phone is going to die and it’s my only comfort," Emi begged and then the phone cut off.

I huffed. Time to go save my bizarre friend. I slipped outside and jumped over my fence before i jogged down the boiling streets. I was sweating as it was a hot day. I fanned my face before i took a left and found, to my relief, the temperature was so high. Yet i had a bad feeling about it being so cool considering how hot it was supposed to be today. The sunlight started to fade.

Soon ice began to show up on the side of the road. I shivered and hugged myself before i came to a stop in front of a sinister black gate attached to a rusting fence. A massive tear like an ugly scar in the fence let me climbed through, landing heavily and crushing autumn leaves as i rolled onto my side. I stood up and looked around. Nothing seemed to be there besides dark trees and a fine layer of white on the ground. Footsteps in the snow led away from this empty place. I sighed and watch the mist from my mouth curl up into the sky. Of course Emi wouldn't be satisfied with this, she was always too curious for her own good. I followed looking for anything that might suggest where Emi was. To my surprise a castle towered up out of a fine mist that hung in the air. The mist was dense enough to block the silver light from the sky but left enough for me to see a small path. I gasped at its beauty.

On closer inspection i saw many caved in room that let in the moonlight. Emi had better be here. I walked up along the path and up to the castle that was a dark shade of grey. I touched the door before drawing away with a hiss. This was no normal place; it had an eerie feeling that seemed to sink into my skin. I took a deep breath, shoved the door open and walked in. I was going to get Emi and leave this place as soon as possible, i was sick to death with her always getting lost in the most dangerous places possible.

Looking around I started to understand how Emi got lost. The walls, floors and ceilings matched perfectly, making it hard to tell if there were any rooms here. The light pieced through here making certain patches visible but not detailed. I stepped forward and felt something cold glide behind me. I spun around and saw a swirling mass of shadows undulating through the air. I choked back a gasp of horror and turned around and ran forward, slamming into the wall. I turned and ran along it. Then suddenly the wall fell away, i followed it and came to a doorway. Inside was a simple bed and table, the walls all matched as it did outside.

"Emi are you here?" I whispered. Nothing. I whipped out my phone and relief filled my heart at the new light. Within a few taps my phone was ringing I closed my eyes, far away i heard an echo.

"Discord I'm howling at the moon and sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon-"

Suddenly it stopped and I heard a terrified whimper come out of my phone. "Emi it's me, Susie," I said.

"Susie, are you here in this place? I need you," Emi whined. I forced myself not to get angry, that wouldn't help either of us.

"Yes I am here, i heard your ringtone. Play Discord again so I can find you," I ordered. I sensed the phone move. Then the chorus came again. I followed it slowly.

“Discord I’m howling at the moon and sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon”


I came to the wall again; I walked along it and towards a door.

“Discord whatever did we do to make you take our world away?”


I quietly entered it and looked around, the music was louder and yet it seems to be darker now.

“Discord are we your prey alone or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne?”


I walked towards the back and saw her phone light in the empty room.

“Discord we won’t take it anymore so take your tyranny away”


Suddenly the light vanished.

“Emi, I’m here,” I said, pointing my own phone light around to find her.

“Susie!” Emi threw herself at me and I smiled. Soon she let go and we heard a dark chuckle and slow clapping.

“Well done,” A smooth dark voice congratulated us. Suddenly the roof blew off. Emi screamed and clung onto me. I shouted out in surprise and we both backed away. The moonlight gazed down on the room. I stood shaking. Emi clung onto my sweat dampened shirt. We saw a man shrouded in shadows smirking at us. The moonlight didn’t touch him. I swore he seemed amused. Suddenly shadows began to crawl towards us; swiftly they began to slide up on our legs.

“HELP!” Emi shrieked.

  I tried to move but it was too late. The shadows swirled around our waist. I could feel pain seeping through my body. The man’s dark laughter bounced off the walls.

“You monster!” I shouted. Emi was screaming. The man grinned darkly and came closer to us. I trembled as he grabbed my chin and made me look him in the eye. I saw amusement in his dark orbs.

“Why yes I am Susie and you my dear are now just a victim.”

I pulled away, Emi’s voice was lost now. I struggled but nothing would work.

“I hope you burn in hell,” I spat savagely. The man glared at me.

“My dear, I think you are closer to going there than I am.” Then with a swipe of his hand the shadows erupted and clung onto me. I screamed, it was so cold it burned. My voice soon faded. I saw a snow white moon gleam down on me. Blood was swelling up in my mouth causing me to let out a feeble cough. My body crashed to the ground and I looked blankly at Emi whose eyes were dull. Her face was pale and had an expression of pain. She was gone. I slowly reached out and put my hand on her cheek as the shadows danced around us, I coughed and saw the blood splattering all over the ground between Emi and me.

“I found you, for the last time” I choked out, then my vision went black and all feeling in my body left.

Moonlight, Darkness and no sense of directionWhere stories live. Discover now