"Britney is a Gift From God"

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Today is November 1,2014. Britney and I supposed to go trick or treating yesterday but since the weather is raining so her place delayed it to today. Yesterday I got so excited to go trick or treating with her until she told me that they got delayed. I was so disappointed and went back to my bed. But the funny thing was that Britney was the one that were mad more than me. She make her face turned into a zombie and I laughed so hard at it because she is naturally a cute asian until she dressed up as a zombie which makes her face looks really dumb! And today is the day that she had been waiting for, candies day according to Britney's mind! I told her that it is freezing outside and she still wants to go trick or treating? She said yes, " candies need me and my stomach " she said. She haven't text me since 6:05 p.m. I wonder how much candies she had by the time she get home. Britney if you're reading this I just want to say that sharing is caring! Im just kidding I don't liked sweets candies but I would take sour candies😊!

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