There are a lot of interesting things about her that makes her special. Her personality is absolutely awesome! She is really funny and hyper. That is something that I'm happy with. Continue on, Britney and I had so much laughed together! It is a difficult things for her to drag me out of my house because she know how much I hate sleeping over. Not only her but to everyone, I hate sleeping with them. We went to a lot of parties together, we went to Florida, Cedar Point, and a lot of places. I hate when we argued with each other, she would either blocked me on facebook or unfollow me on instagram. I think the way to solve the problem is not just blocking and unfollowing. Even though we argued sometimes, we get through it and be happy. I love that moment when Britney and I tried to twerk but failed because we don't have any butt! I loved Britney's reaction when I hugged her grandma's tightly. But when she hugged my Mom's I don't care because I know how much of a baby she is. We always meet each other with an insults, at least 10 times a day. We had been through a lot, thick and thin. She is my ride or die! She often gets really jealous of who I'm with and what I do to other people. But to her, I just let her have her freedom and not be clingy about it!