Chapter 19

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Before I'm fully awake, I can already feel the throbbing in my arm. I open my eyes and can only see blurry objects floating around the room. I blink a couple times to clear my vision. A fresh wave of pain rolls over me and I groan.
"You're awake." Mali says from beside me.
I painfully turn my head to see Mali wrapping a bandage around the wound.

"How long was I out?" I mutter.

"I'd hardly call it 'out'. You were passed out for less then 15 minutes." She says.

I groan again and hang my head against my chest. How am I going to escape like this? Kaone made a very calculated move by injuring me. She knew I'd do anything to get out of here. She thinks now that I'm hurt I won't be able to do that.
I've got to prove her wrong.

"I've got to get out of here." I whisper to Mali. She scoffs at me.

"In your condition? You can't even move! And plus-we're 50 feet high above the ground! There's no way out even for somebody with two working arms!" Mali tells me.

"I've got to. It's the only shot for either of us." I whisper fiercely.

"Eadu-I know you think you can escape-but you can't do this! As your friend, please don't do this!" Mali pleads.
She called me her friend. If I could move, I'd jump for joy. I attempt a smile.
"Thanks. But I need to do this. I'd rather try and die, then sit here and wait to be killed." I say. Mali sighs.

"Fine." Mali says. She grabs the edge of her tunic and starts to rip it.

"What are you doing?" I whisper.

"Making a sling. What do you think?" Mali responds. She finishes ripping the tunic.

"There's a pin in my boot. Use it to unlock me please." I tell her. Within minutes the chains holding me up release me and I fall to the ground. White hot fire runs through my arm, and I have to bite my tongue to keep from screaming bloody murder.

"Sorry!" Mali winces.

"It's fine. I need to get out." I groan. Mali rolls her eyes.

"Rest now. I'll get everything ready ok?" Mali says.
My eyes are already fluttering shut.

When I wake again, my arms in a makeshift sling and the chair is in front of the newly bar less window.

"Eadu you've slept for two hours. If your going to leave-you need to do it now." Mali tells me. I blink the sleep out of my eyes and try to stand up. I wobble and have to sit back down.

"Help me up." I command. Mali looks down at me.

Minutes later, I'm standing on the stool next to the window.

"Good luck Eadu." Mali says quietly.
I nod and smile.
Then I grab the ledge with my good arm and swing out of the room.

A climb that usually would take me half a hour took me a hour and a half. By the time I reach the top, I'm actually wishing I could die. I roll over the edge and just lie there. I close my eyes take deep breathes.
I'm in so much pain I can barely breathe. It would be so easy to just let go. But then I think of my family. Of my friends. Of my country-my home. They need me. I need to go on for them. I want to survive. I want to live to my wedding day. I want to have my own family someday. I want to see a free Faiyria. I will.
I will.
I force myself to get up. I force myself to make my feet move. One step after another. I need a weapon. I need a clear head. I don't see the log in front of me and I tumble to the ground. I lean my head against the ground. The sweet scent of flowers wafts towards me. Then a true miracle happened.
My vision cleared up. My headache went away. The painful throbbing in my shoulder dimmed slightly. I study the flower my nose has been buried in for the last couple seconds. I smile when I realize what they are.
They are called the Tracia Flower.
When I was younger, I got beat up at the orphanage lots. One time Madame Scholy pointed out tracia to me. It numbs pain. Not all of it, or for long, but it will help me enough to keep moving.
I grab a handful of the plants and shove them in my mouth.
Instantly the pain diminishes to a dull throbbing. I sigh in relief and smile again. I stand, and grab several more handfuls of the Tracia Flower. Thank goodness for pockets.
I stand back up, and continue walking.
I will survive.
I will.

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