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A couple days later, I was released from the pack hospital. Some reason I was the center of attention. I didn't really get it, I was born and raised human, and then suddenly pushed into a whole new world. But apparently it was unheard of, in this world.

As promised, Alpha Gab, assigned two wolves as my guards, I was not to leave the small cabin, I was assigned to, without them. As long as I was in my cabin they stayed outside.

But I hated being inside all day, so here I am, sitting on a bench just outside the cabin. The guards, standing a mere two feet away from me as I watch the pack as they call it, go about their day.

As I watched, I learned how they interact with each other, bowing to the stronger, or higher up in ranking wolves. But other than that they all acted as though they were family.

Occasionally I would see them in their wolf forms, but none looked like my wolf. They were all dark browns,greys and occasionally a mix of the two, in various shades, with black tones.

I watch the pack, as I see the Alpha approaching me, in the distance. I haven't seen him since the day at the hospital. Though suddenly my wolf and I become nervous.

He walks through the front gate of the fence in front of me and walks up. The guards bow to him. "You may leave," Alpha Gab says.

They do as he says and he sits down next to me. "Well I figured it out," he says looking at me. He smiles, "your great,great,great,great grand father was a werewolf, but because he was mated to a human and then generations after the same thing, your gene pool was almost wiped out by the human gene," Alpha Gab says.

He then looks a little nervous for a second, "your ancestors were of royal lineage, Beta to be exact," he says. "So your shift was very unusual, but not impossible," he adds.

"Now I would be honored,if you would like to join our pack, it's a place I think you could be happy at,along with your wolf," Alpha Gab says.

"I'll pull off the guards, you'll be placed as a higher ranking wolf and taught our ways, the most important rule to follow is to keep our race a secrete from humans," Alpha Gab says.

"What would I do,"I ask. "With your Beta blood, you would make an excellent warrior or enforcer, with the right training," he says, "of course, that is up to you, I personally have never seen a female fight rogues as good as you and your wolf did,and survive."

"But I lost, I almost died," I say. "Yes, but as an untrained wolf goes you did good, with the proper training, you could take five rogues on," Alpha Gab smiles.

"I.... I'd like that," I say as my wolf growls in approval. Alpha Gab smiles, "that's awesome, we'll initiate you into the pack tomorrow."

After our talk, Alpha Gab left, to make preparations for tomorrow. Reasurring me beforehand that I was able to freely roam the territory, but to stay within it's borders for safety.

The day flew by in my wolf and I's excitement. Before I knew it,it was dark and I headed to bed inside my cabin.


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