The long talk between nobles

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I pounded my fist on their dorm door as hard and loud I'd heard Raios voiced echoed outside the door. "Please enter." he said as I enter there dorms I was pissed as I looked at the two nobles as they were smirking like they had something planned as I walked into the dorm-room and I turned to the nobles Humbert was the first noble to speak again "Ah you came in just in time Disciple Kirito we've just unquirked this 50 year old bottle from the western empire do join us commoners never tastes such delights". the grey hair noble said with this calm voice and started at me with a relaxed tone across him face.

As they started at me then I just sighed a bit then began to speak again) "I'm afraid I must decline your offer but a another matter brings me here I to know if my boyfriend Disciple Eugeo came here this evening". As I said this Raios looked at me and then smirked "Ah I see what consequence that Eugeo is your boyfriend his shamelessness was rather surprising approaching highly regarded students such as Humbert and myself and without as much formal invention his lack of coif is familiar". then after he finished speaking Raios long tongue licks his wine glass then the tone of his voice softened and began speaking "But with that said he needs to be careful assertiveness can sometimes can be construe as disrespect do you not agree Disciple kirito?"

Then, after him saying this, I was just angered by the blond noble statement. Then I spoke once again, "we can talk about your opinions another time. I just want to know where Eugeo is." Then Humbert gave a look at Raios with the same look that disgusted me they got up and walk to their bedroom door and opened hearing their creepy soft chuckles(my eyes narrowed in anger I gasping) "what is this? "in the room was Eugeo who is tied up and gagged on their bed afraid and looks at me with fear Eugeo made some muffed noises and his eyes had tears in them (he looked ready to cry and panic) Eugeo sill looked scared and upset (sorry you had to see me like this he said in his eyes with that same sadden and scared expression.)

(I just had lost it at this  point with both of them) "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS LORD RAIOS? " I've shouted in anger in my tone then Raios just turned to me and calmly spoke to me "these measures were unavoidable Sir Kirito Disciple Eugeo had disrespected us to such a degree (Eugeo was absolutely terrified as he said this) my hand was forced". I was pissed as I've asked, "disrespected?" Then Humbert just looked at me with that same disgusting smirked across his face as he spoke again "he clearly forgot who he was addressing this commoner boy had the boldness to accuse me superior ranking noble of using my page to satisfied my lustful urges after everything I've done to try to guide Frenica down the proper path talk about ungrateful." 

Him saying this just my anger uneasy at this point then Raios looked at me now speaking "And yet load and behold the plot does thicken he made the false claim as Humbert roommate I was just as responsible for his actions as he was the idea of someone like him asking me the oldest of a third rank household do you have no honor as a noble have you ever heard of such a statement"? Both were chuckling at this comment like it was the funniest fucking joke ever. Then I just asked "sir even if everything happen as you described happened but tying him up and locking him up in your bedroom THAT GOES WAY BEYOND YOUR AUTHORITY TO PUNISH COMMONERS "? I had shouted again thinking this would do something gritting my teeth at this point.

Then Raios just smirked speaking again "your referring to the school guidelines my dear Kirito you need much think larger than that do you remember this passage from this academy's rules higher law take presentments in all cases". I've gasped my eye widen in fear knowing very well what's he talking about then the blond noble just he smile sickly at my reaction and spoke "higher law refers to the taboo index and basic imperial law in other words what I can exercise on this commoner boy isn't just my rights by this academy BUT MY POWER AS A NOBLE SUCH AS MY SOBLEM RIGHT! " Raios yelled as he'd jumped in the air hearing Eugeo muffling loudly as he pushed onto the bed by the blond noble as Eugeo begun struggling and fighting a bit on the over size bed as he muffles loudly again.

Then Raios tone changed to a scared Eugeo who was now struggling more then he had before "stop your squirming and take your punishment like a good boy" He said this all the while while taking Eugeo gag off and started messing with his clothes as this was happening I was trying to get closer to the two "LEAVE HIM ALONE"! I shouted as I've move even more to try to get Raios off my lover as Raios turned to me "HOLD YOUR GROUND DISCIPLE KIRITO"! I was stopped and was struggling to move and then Raios spoke again "this judgement is being is completed with basic imperil law and the taboo index to obstruction to such a decreed a criminal act if you take one step closer I'll kill him in front of you do you really want that on your conscious or be a criminal in the eyes of the law? "I was pissed "you can't do this". Then I've tried to move and realized it was hard then hearing Eugeo who was crying it broke my heart. As Raios is removing his clothes as well as removing the clothes Eugeo was wearing till you saw the black boxers he was wearing and then watching Raios disguising tongue starting to lick his face I could just do is watch with a sick pit in my stomach.

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