「Chapter 1」

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I could hear a large beeping sound coming from beside me. It's so. Damn. Loud. Why can't it just fucking stop beeping already..? Oh wait...I have to do that myself...ugh. I'm too lazy to do that but if I don't stop it then it'll keep on beeping and beeping...

With a huge grumble, I slowly open up my eyes, immediately closing them again. 'Why does the sun have to be so damn bright?!' I try to open up my eyes again, this time squinting slightly. I had to get used to all this sunlight so I could open up my eyes. I hated the day already and I haven't even gotten out of bed yet. Amazing...fantastic. Note the sarcasm...

The stupid alarm clock is still beeping it's fucking annoying song and I'm mad. I just basically picked the alarm clock up and lobbed it at the wall. It broke into thousands of little pieces taking both its life and it's annoying song. Damn. That turned really depressing and dark real quick. I just let out a small snicker at my own joke. I'm hilarious. Again, note the sarcasm.

With a sigh I made to sit up in my bed. I gently placed a hand over my scar, immediately wincing and pulling my hand away. My training with Endeavor last night really took a toll on me...he seemed to be even more angrier last night...but then again...since when did he ever seem happy?

With a heavy sigh, I swung my legs so that they were hanging over the edge of my bed. I made to stand up but immediately sit back down. Okay. Training really did take a major toll on me. I took my right hand and gently placed it over my legs. I resisted the urge to cry out in pain as the frost gently spread over my entire left and right leg.

After awhile, the pain subsided and it was replaced with a numbing feeling. I let out a shaky breath, thankful that I didn't scream. If I did, then either Fuyumi or Natsuo would just burst into my room and ask 'what's wrong Shoto?!' And then I would be forced to explain what happened and I don't want too. Don't get me wrong. I love my siblings even though we aren't as close as we were when we were younger, I still love them as well as my mom.

But...sometimes they overreact over the most littlest of things...it's kind of annoying...but that's just the way they are. And I can't do anything to change that fact about them. I tried to stand on my feet again. I was stable so that was a good sign. I lifted a foot up and then took a step forward. I stumbled slightly but I got my balance again. I took a few steps around my room, getting used to walking with a frosted numbed leg. I could walk, but a noticeable limp was there. I could've skipped school but then 1 of 2 things would happen:

1) Endeavor would know something's up if I didn't go to school and then he would continuously bang on my door, forcing me too explain why I didn't go to school. Then he might make me train even HARDER then he usually does...

2) Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, and Asui and the others would get worried which will make them tell my other classmates, leading to tell Aizawa-sensei and a possible little excursion to my house.

Either way, I'm still screwed...I might as well go to school...I could easily lie to them about where I got my injuries from. I'll just say I hurt myself training, which isn't far from the truth. Just stretching it slightly. I feel a yawn start to come up from my throat but I just force it back down. I don't want anyone to know how tired I am.

I grabbed my uniform and walk into my bathroom. I started taking off my clothes and put on my uniform. Every movement hurt like hell. This isn't good because all my muscles are basically torn...everyone's going to know and then I'm completely fucked up. My day is just getting better and better. I'm using so much sarcasm this morning.

I glanced over at my mirror and my entire face just contorted into shock. I had a black eye, a few burns, and even a busted lip. I looked like I've been through hell. Which isn't exactly far from the truth in all honesty. Should I even go to school like this?! Everyone will notice and get suspicious!! 'Including...Bakugou...he might think I'm weak or something...Wait, why am I even concerned about what he thinks?' I shook my head which probably wasn't the best thing to do. At least it was better then slapping my cheek.

Might as well go to school I guess...my second hell. Home with Endeavor is my first hell. Second hell is much more tolerable. Much, much more tolerable. Anyways, I slipped my uniform on, being careful to not irritate my open injuries. I managed to put it on with minimal aggravation of my injuries and the least amount of pain as possible. Now all that's left to do is go to class. Yippee...ugh. So much sarcasm in one morning.

I peeked out into the hallway searching if my father was awake or if any of my siblings were. The coast was clear and I carefully and quietly exited my room, closing the door as quickly and quietly as I could. No sounds coming from either end of the hallway so I quickly made my way down the hallway and down the stairs. I reached the dining room where I got stuck. 'Goddamn it....' I groaned mentally. Endeavor was sitting at the dining room table drinking his coffee and reading the newspaper. Why must the gods curse me?! The freaking front door is on the other side of this damn entrance way!!!

My luck is so amazingly awesome!!!  I tried to find a way to get around to the front door but it's the only way out and I absolutely hate myself. If I'm caught, kill me. I got in a position where I could run fast and get past the doorway without being called out by Endeavor and reach the front door. I breathed slowly in and out as I mentally prepare myself for this perilous journey. '3, 2, 1...' I counted down mentally as I held my arms out. 'GO!' I sprinted across the doorway and head towards the front door.

I could distinctly hear Endeavor call out for me but I ignored him. The front door is almost within reach. 'Almost....there.' I put on a last burst of speed and reach the door. But before I could open it, I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and a cold voice speak. "Listen to me when I speak to you Shoto." I hear endeavor speak. 'GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!!! I WAS SO CLOSE!!!!' I scream internally. I sighed annoyedly as I turned around and framed my neck up to look at him. I crossed my arms and gave him an annoyed glare. "What do you want Endeavor?" I sneered. I fucking hate this guy.

"That is not the way to address your father Shōto." He glared at me. I could honestly care less about 'respecting' him. It's not like he actually deserves the title of father from me, Natsuo, Fuyumi, and....Touya. Touya who ran away from home...because of Endeavor. Touya never came back home. We never saw him again. And it was all his fault. He never felt sorry for his actions. He never tried searching for him, tried apologizing. He didn't care about us. He didn't care about anyone or anything except for his dreams of me surpassing All Might. "I don't give a fuck Endeavor." I huffed.

I faced my back away from him and opened up the door. Before he could say anything else, I made sure to slam the door shut and made it loud. All in his face. I smiled in satisfaction at that as I began my long walk to school in the fresh, cool, crisp autumn air.

First chapter is up guys!!! And I'm sorry that I've been on such a long hiatus!! Some family stuff happened and I never got the chance to come back on here. So I'll try to slowly start becoming more active.

❤️Ja ne minna!❤️

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