Chapter 133

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*Harry's POV*
"Noah?" I say once I've made to where he's standing, my eyes traveling up and down him in disbelief. "What the hell are you doing here?" Noah's eyes scan my body, shaking his head. A smirk soon taking over his frown.
"Well, well, well, didn't think I'd ever see you again." he steps closer, his eyes still watching my every move. Adrenaline quickly kicks in just by looking at him and being reminded about the last time I saw him.
"Same goes to you. I thought we were done the day Louis and I left you in the parking lot after I taught your lesson," I hiss, my hands clenching, turning into balled up fists. My body begins to tense up with the sight of him in front of me, everything about him sickens me. This is the guy that made Louis' life hell, how can I even look him in the eye. It's absolutely disgusting.
"Oh, and I did. You didn't want me around while Louis was yours, I stayed away didn't I?" the smirk on his face doesn't disappear for a second. "But I heard someone's on the market now, and it's not you who I'm interested in." the same devilish look is plastered on his face, so full of himself.
"You know it's taking every bit of me to not grab you by your neck right now." I spit, stepping closer to him.
Noah chuckles at my words, throwing his head back, his hand over his stomach. "Are you threatening me?" he asks with squinted eyes.
"Well I'm sure as hell not being nice to you." my tone quickly turns into a more serious, and deeper one. "Do you honestly believe that Louis would want you like he did before? He got over you Noah, the moment he met me." the words fall from my mouth without thinking, but will all the intention to hurt Noah.
He steps forward, putting his arm over my shoulders and smiles, looking at everyone around us,"Why don't we take this outside, just keep walking and pretend to smile," he says between his teeth, keeping his smile wide enough so no one assumes anything.
I instantly swat his arm off my shoulder, taking my own lead outside. I'm not about to put an act in front of all these people, why should I care what they think. They all know me well enough to know who I really am, but I'm also not going to be the victim here.
Stepping outside, Noah's facial features turn rough instantaneously. There's only a few students walking about, maybe two or three. Whatever Noah has to say, he'll say it here, where no one will hear what a sick person he actually is.
He looks around, then back at me, "Harry," his eyes dig into mine, "you gave up on him. Why is he alone? Because you gave up on him, but I haven't." the warmth of his breath can be felt as it hits my face due to how close he's standing. Everything he's saying is bullshit. I never gave up on Louis, I just let him go because that's the only way he could be happy, with someone else, but that someone else shouldn't be Noah.
"I let him go, Noah, I didn't give up. I wanted him to be happy, but if you think for a second that he'd ever be happy with you, you're wrong. You don't deserve Louis." I breathe. It takes me everything I have to say his name, every time it falls from my mouth, it stings, almost as if it were some kind of poison.
Noah's chest rises up as he steps forward, his face inches from mine. "I don't deserve him?" he hisses, his forehead crinkling up as he frowns. "You're telling that I don't deserve him? So does that mean you deserve him? This is coming from the same person who's only purpose was to replace Sam with Louis." The moment both of their names spill from his mouth, I can feel my legs become weak, and my blood drain. He stands back, lips pressed tight in a line, eyebrows knitted and jaw clenched. A million question and thoughts fill my mind, so many that I don't know what to ask but the obvious.
"How do you know that?" I breathe, barely able to get the words out of my mouth. It's as if someone has knocked the air out of me. All sounds that surround us have suddenly vanished, and all I can see I Noah right in front of me.
"You don't know do you?" he asks. The corner of his mouth begins to lift up in a smirk, giving me an uneasy feeling.
"Know what?" I ask, leaning forward. My heart beginning to race.
He huffs, looking up to the sky and laughs, a laugh that's plain evil. "God you're so stupid, you're oblivious about everything aren't you, just like Louis. Can't you see what happened here, Harry? You got played, and by the best."
Nothing makes sense, not a word that's coming out of his mouth helps. "Played?"
"Harry, Harry, Harry," he laughs looking down at the ground as he claps his hands. "Let me enlighten you," he sighs, "your 'friend' Liam, just happens to be a good friend if mine, very good in fact. We found out we shared a lot in common, like our hate, anger, call it what you want, towards you." The look on his face doesn't fade away. "You can't seriously believe that all the bumps you had in your relationship with Louis were just coincidences, do you?"
"What the hell are you saying Noah!" I can hear myself yell, I just can't feel anything. My mouth is numb, so are my fingers, everything.
"I wanted Louis back, Liam wanted to get revenge for what you took away from him, it was almost too good to be true." he says. shrugging his shoulders.
"No," I whisper, denial clear in my voice.
"Yes Harry, yes. Everything, from the point where I came in, to the part with you and Louis splitting was all us. Credit to Dominic though, he was never part of the plan, but a great addition to it, am I right?"
Everything. Noah, Paris, Lily, everything.
Flashbacks of every bad moment flashes before my eyes. The few fights we had, the arguments, the secrets, the lies, the effort we put into everything, was all for nothing.
I shake my head, my eyes glossy, making the sight of Noah in front of me blurry.
"Why? Why did you wait for everything to happen? Why did you wait so long, when you could've done it before anything happened between us two?" my voice becomes shaky, making it harder to speak and keep myself together.
"So it would hurt more. The more love you invested in him, the more time, the more you'd become attached and dependent on him, the more it would hurt when you lost him, and the more it will hurt when someone snatches him from any opportunity you get to have him back." Noah's voice has simmered down, his voice starting to crack when he speaks.
My nostrils flare, lips tremble, "Loving him was never meant to hurt no one." I tell Noah as the tears in my eyes start to fall.
"Does it even matter anymore? You two would've never had a future together anyways!" he shouts, throwing his hands in the air.
"Yes it does!" I yell back. "If it weren't for you and Liam, we would've still been together! We had so much lying ahead of us!" I'm not going to stand here and be victimized, I'll stand my ground and not let anyone make me less than who they're trying to be.
"No you wouldn't!" he steps closer, "Liam and I would still be making your life a living hell!"
"Liam would've been dead! He is dead and six feet underground!" it burns at my chest facing reality, but I have no other option.
Noah's facial features quickly change, "What?" he asks, laughing.
"Liam's dead." I repeat the words.
It takes Noah a second to respond, a response that wasn't expected, "Do you have any idea how easy it is to send letters to a school and say you're dead. Oh please, Harry, let me ask you one thing. Was there ever a funeral?"
Instantly, my body freezes in one place, remembering that day again. I look back at Noah my mouth agape.
"I'll let you think about that yourself. In the meantime, you should realize that I'm just one threat to your past relationship, it's not just me who's after Louis. I wasn't going to tell you but adding alcohol to the wound will make it better." I'm still trying to process what he's just said and now he's coming at me with more? I can't do this.
"Please don't," I beg, becoming weaker and weaker at my knees.
"While you've been over here, studying and what not. It seems as if our Louis has found a new companion, one he's living with in the same house you two spent a lot of your time. You should try calling the house, maybe you'll recognize the voice," he says.
"They don't answer my calls," I admit. He doesn't say anything, instead hands me over his phone, already calling Louis' flat.
I'm standing here not knowing what to do, just bear and hear whatever it is.
Three rings and they pick up, "Hello?" a familiar voice picks up. I don't know how but I mange to hang up before anything else was said. I can the color in my body drain little bg little.
"Niall?" I ask. my voice inaudible.
"You can try to figure out what that might be, in the mean time, I've got some friends to catch up with. Oh, and don't be too sad, because by what I saw earlier, I don't think your 'friend' from earlier today would like to see you like that. Hope you have a good time with him, because your past is your past and you'll never get him back. " Noah snatches his phone from my hand, walking back into the lounge with all his dignity, leaving me destroyed out here. When I turn I can see all the people staring from the inside, staring up and down, glowering at me.
What's happening?
I ask myself, yet all I can think of is trying to get out of here, now.
Before I know it, I'm digging into my pocket, fishing out my phone, dialing Scott's number.
Everything goes black after Scott arrives. All I can see is the bright lights glistening against the stacked up bottles of alcohol, wine, liquor, vodka in front of me, and the smell of a strong substance. My sight is blurred, making everything look double, laughs echo in my head, and I can feel myself lose my balance, the only thing keeping me up is the counter in front of me. I'm doing everything I can't to keep him off my mind, the idea of him with someone else, he's happy, I remind myself.

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