Chapter 134 (alternate chapter 1/3)

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This ending will be written in third person, so it'll be a bit different writing.
Song for this chapter-
Moments - One Direction
*Harry's POV*
He was stuck in this haze of confusion and solitude. No where to turn, he felt as if his life was almost over. He couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel, no solution for his actions, or what had happened. Everyone he knew, turned on him, everyone he trusted, was no longer there for him. He had lost everyone, but that didn't matter. What mattered was that one person, the one who would make his world spin round and round. The one who he looked forward to seeing everyday, his only reason to be, his savior was nowhere to be found. He'd lost the most precious thing he ever owned, his treasure. He no longer had his safe haven, would he ever be safe again? There wasn't a moment where he wouldn't question himself. Would he ever be happy again? Would he ever find someone? Would he ever find something that would keep him going, just like he did. It was as if his world had plummeted on top of him, crushing his every bone. He was suffocating in his own reality. There was nothing he could do, at least he thought. The thought was quick and done. So he heard he had someone new, he wanted him to be happy, what else was he supposed to do. With no way of stopping it, he turned to the only thing that would cloud his mind, cloud the memories, forget his voice, forget the one person who he had ever loved. It was never easy, but under the influence it was as if he were in heaven, with nothing to fear or doubt. There he was, sitting on stool, slouched over a counter. Two, three, four, five, shots at a time. The burning at his throat hurt, but not as much as the burning in his chest. Pain was nothing now, so much pain would eventually lead to numbing, and that's exactly what he was, numb.
"Wake up!" The man behind the counter calls out. Harry slowly lifts up his head off the counter, blinking rapidly, trying to let the things come into focus in front of him. "Wake up!" The man calls again. The sound of his voice pounds inside Harry's head, he winces at the sounds around him. From the sound of glass clinking, to the sound of the man's voice, it all becomes to loud to handle.
"Where am I?" Harry asks, turning his head in all directions, confused by his surroundings. Dimmed lights are the only things that make everything around only slightly visible. He continues looking around, trying to remember what he was doing here in the first place.
"You passed out after a few shots. Luckily, you had me doing the shift after midnight, but it's closing time now, kid, scurry out," the bartender tells Harry. Harry thanks the bartender, leaving a small tip behind. He struggles to stand to his feet, with everything spinning, he can barely make his way out of the small bar.
Tripping over his own feet, he walks along the streets of London, alone in the darkness. Thoughts from earlier fill Harry's mind, making the way home seem longer with the constant reminder of that "someone else" being in Louis' life. He can't bear the thought of Louis sleeping with someone else, with Louis giving his love and affection to someone who's not him. Though Harry never dared to say it out loud, the real reason why he couldn't stand seeing Louis loving someone else, wasn't because he was jealous, but because he knew that they could never love Louis as much as he did. He knew no one would ever be capable of giving such love and affection to him like he had. Louis had done so much for Harry, there was no way anyone could ever possibly become as appreciative of Louis as Harry had. Harry had not only fallen in love with Louis for his beauty, his quirkiness, his personality, he fell in love with the kind of human being he was, one that would put anyone else's problems before his own, and Harry loved that about him. Harry knew that no matter who he'd find in the world, no one would ever compare to Louis, and that's the one thing that made it impossible for him to get over him, he'd never be able to love someone as much as he loved him.
Over and over, the memories run through his mind as he continues walking. Soon enough rain begins to pour, harder by the minute. He's continued to walk faster and faster, trying to reach the flat, but it begins to feel impossible to make it there anytime soon.
As he walks, he stops for a bit when his phone goes off in his pocket. He quickly reaches for it, pulling it out and runs inside a small shop using it as shelter from the rain.
"Hello?" Harry answers, still a little tipsy from the alcohol from earlier. The cashier at the front of the store gives him an odd look, then rests back on his chair, kicking his feet up on the counter again.
"Harry," Niall's voice is recognized in an instant coming from the other side of the line. Harry stiffens, standing up straight, eyes widened, fully awake.
"Niall?" Harry quickly answers, confused by the timing and call, especially coming from.
"I'm not supposed to be telling you this, nor should you know right now but I'll feel like a complete asshole if I don't," Niall's voice comes off as panicked, and a bit shaky. His voice alarms Harry, causing his heartbeat to race eager to know what Niall's about to say. He doesn't say anything, instead he stays in complete silence, waiting for Niall to go on. "You need to get back here as soon as possible," Niall says, sounding a bit off, "I've been calling you for the past hour but you haven't answered-"
"Why do I need to go back?" Harry speaks over Niall. He runs his fingers through his hair, and begins to slightly pull in desperation. A few seconds of pure silence is shared between the two, the only thing that can be heard on the line is Niall's heavy breathing, and as the silence grows, Harry can start to hear silent sobs coming from Niall. The shakiness in his breathing doesn't sound to good either.
Niall eventually pulls through when he begins to speak again. He gathers all the strength he has left in him to finally speak out about what he's been hiding, along with Louis, for months. "He didn't want to tell you, he was afraid, and he didn't want to hurt you but I can't keep quiet. I've been biting my tongue for months but right now there's no other person in the world who deserves to know this more than you. Just promise me that you won't hate me or Louis for it." Niall quitely cries on the other side of the line, while Harry fears the worst with no idea of what is actually happening. His call to Niall from earlier crosses his mind, fearing that what Noah said is true. He doesn't jump to conclusions, but lets Niall continue to talk after promising that he won't hate either of them.
"Louis' been hiding his heart disease from you. He's been sick this whole time but never told you, hence the reason why he pushed you away from him. Now he's in the emergency room fighting for his life, things got complicated tonight and I don't know if he's going to be okay. All I know is that he needs you, and if he doesn't make it, then I don't want him to go without seeing you first." Niall's voice has become a bit stronger, his words easier to decipher from his sobs.
As Harry hears the words, he refuses to believe them, but soon enough knows that he can't just stand there refusing to face the facts. In a matter of seconds,Harry ends the call without saying a word. Speechless, he runs out of the shop, looking all around for any cars. Once he realizes he's just around the corner from where he sold his car at, he doesn't hesitate running to it. Harry had kept a spare key when he sold it, little did he know that it'd ever come in handy. Turning the corner, he finds the car parked right outside the car dealer, the sight almost to good to be true. He didn't care if it was illegal, he would go to any measures to get to his Louis, no matter what the cost. If it hadn't been for how recently he had sold the car, he would've never found it there, as if anyone could afford it in this side of town.
Harry steps inside the car, turning the engine on in a split second. It's not long before he finds himself on the road back home. He doesn't bother going back to grab his belongings, he doesn't care about any of it, because the only thing he cares for is three hours away, loosing a battle that he didn't even know about.
There is nothing that he can think about in a moment like this other than reaching Louis as fast as he can. All the problems, everything, even the alcohol has subsided. The lights on the street become blurry, and the only thing that's in focus is the road ahead of him, everything else looks like it's vanished. His heart's nearly jumping out of his chest, cold sweat covers his forehead, and the sound of his heavy breathing bounces off the inside of the car.
One last look ahead, that's when he starts to realize, he might not be making it home anytime soon. Harry scrambles through his thoughts, ideas, and thinks of only one alternative, one for now.
Harry pulls out his phone from his pocket, the ring he's been holding on for so long falls to the car's floor the moment he pulls his phone out. Fumbling with it in one hand, while keeping his eyes on the road, he glances up and down, scrolling through the contacts, down to Niall's name. He immediately begins to type as fast as he can,
I don't know if I can make it soon, but in the meanwhile, tell him that he means the world to me, and if he goes, I go. Do me a favour, tap on his door three times and tell him that he was my reason to be.
He presses "Send" on the bright screen, then sets his phone down on the center counsel. With on hand on the steering wheel, he uses the other to try to reach for the engraved silver ring that has fallen right next to his feet. He tries reaching for it, still keeping his eyes on the road. Struggling, he finally get's a hold of the ring with his index finger. Right when he looks up from the car's floor to the road ahead of him, bright lights flash before his eyes. Harry's whole face becomes bright with the lights in front of him, pupils become small as the lights gain speed towards him. Everything becomes silent, the quietest anything could ever be. For the first time in Harry's life, he feels liberated, free, and he doesn't know what this feeling is.

This isn't the end, two chapters are still to come.
(sorry for the chapter being a bit short, I've been really busy lately and just haven't gotten to this. This isn't the end, there's still two chapters after this. Hold on to your seats, buckle up, because you're going on an emotional roller coaster here. Anyway, I miss writing so much but I can't even find time for it. Thank you to those who will read this, it means a lot, hope you guys like it.)

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