The water hit Gordon's face as he screamed, falling off of bed. "Get up rat you're getting adopted" his abusive step mother shouted as she walked out of his room.
Find out what happens to Gordon sksksksks!!!!!1!1!1!1!!!1!!
I just want to thank everyone in the dickism cult, especially you Steve for writing this with me. Without you, vsco Gordon Ramsay wouldn't be possible. UwU owo XDDDD
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The water hit Gordon's face as he screamed, falling off of bed. "Get up rat you're getting adopted" his abusive step mother shouted as she walked out of his room. He groaned and stood up, making sure to tie his hair up in a messy bun, using his favourite red scrunchie. He threw on his peach oversized t-shirt, and his short shorts,before going to the bathroom that was connected to his room, doing his skin care routine.
He walked out of the bathroom before packing all his clothes, and filling his backpack with the essentials: 30 scrunchies, his spare lip gloss, a spare oversized tee, his blue hydro flask, and his favourite body spray. He applied some lip gloss before putting on his shell necklace, and his friendship bracelets. "I look Sksksksk" he said to himself whilst grabbing his metal straw, and making his way downstairs.
"Get out, your owners waiting for you outside" the abusive step mom brittney shouted as he hurried outside. He stopped at the door as the most handsome man was there. Gordon gasped, his hand covering his mouth.
He's getting adopted/bought by Lil nas x?
Lil nas x led Gordon outside, but there was no car in sight. "Spill the tea sis, how am I supposed to get to my new home?" Asked Gordon, confused as fricc.
Lil Nas x simply gave him a very mischievous smile: "We're not taking a car," he said, before breaking into song, "We're gonna take my horse to the old town road, we're gonna RIIIIIIIIDDDEE till we can't no more."
Gordon's eyes lit up in delight. He had always wanted to ride a horse because he too was secretly a horse. He had a horsecock and felt like all the horses in the world would love him sksksksksksksk.
Gordon climbed on the horse behind lil nas x and slowly pulled down his pants. He rode on that horse with his horse cock out in the open, the way it should be. Lil Nas x turned round to talk to him, but when he saw his horsecock, he gave him a big smile. Bigger than Gordon's love for saving the turtles!!
"You have a horsecock? OMGGGG same sis!!" And he revealed his horsecock too.
Gordon and Lil Nas x had never felt belonging like this before, and as they rode to Lil Nas x's home while blasting Gordon's favourite VSCO song 'old town road' they felt like f a m i l y