Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Craig had come into town to get a few supplies. He had left Ezekial and Delilah at home because the poor girl hadn't been feeling well. Of course Ezekial said it was Craig's fault for feeding the girl too many chocolate bars... it wasn't his fault his young daughter had him wrapped around her chubby little finger. She liked them so he'd bought them.

He was walking down the boardwalk and just passing The Golden Nugget Saloon when he happened to glance inside the swinging doors and froze in his tracks. It was as if he'd suddenly been shot back into the past.

Pacing across the barn, spilling drinks and upsetting patrons as she went was Willa. Brown cow hide guacho pants, red studded and tasseled shirt, big hat...

His feet carried him inside without his guidance at all. Willa was walking back and forth across that bar with men glaring up at her as they attempted to save their drinks. She was weaving and throwing her hands in the air as she yelled at everyone to get out of her way and threatened them to fist fights.

"Craig Crane! I know this woman is with your family!" the bartender bellowed at the sight of Craig entering. "Get her off my bar before I shoot her!"

Craig couldn't speak or move. His mind just went to Willie who had a habit of drinking too much, pacing on bars, threatening everyone and everything around him, pissing off bartenders and getting his drunk ass dragged out of saloons by Craig.

The bartender pulled out a shot gun and waved it. "Dammit Craig, I'm serious! Get her drunk ass out of here!"

Craig snapped out of his daze and decided he needed to save Eleanor's woman. He didn't need to let something happen to her, which would hurt Eleanor, and then give Zachariah one more reason to dislike him.

"Don't shoot her, Earl. I'm coming." He rushed to the bar, grabbed Willa's arm and yanked her off. "Come on now, Willa, let's get out of here."

"I don't want to go anywhere," she argued, digging her heels into the wooden floor. "Let me go or I'll kick your ass."

Craig just sighed and used his greater strength to take away her choice in the matter. Once they were outside in the darkening evening, Willa jerked away from him and stumbled forward a bit. She whirled around, lost her balance and fell on her ass in the dirt.

Craig just pinched his nose and went to help her up while she uttered curses and slurred threats. "What are you doing?" he demanded. "Where's Eleanor?"

"Eleanor?" That grabbed Willa's attention. She looked around and frowned. "Where is Eleanor?"

"How much whiskey did you have?" Craig demanded calmly. It had clearly been a lot if the scent of the woman's breath was any indication.

She held up both hands and spread her fingers apart. "About this many."

Craig shook his head. "Come on. I'll get you back to the hotel and you can sober up. Eleanor is probably worried sick about you."

Willa allowed herself to be led down the road, though her steps were wobbly and if not for Craig she would have fallen more than once. As they neared the hotel, Willa stopped suddenly and covered her mouth.

"I don't feel so good," she muttered. Craig realized her face had turned a nice shade of green.

"Don't you dare...."

It was too late. Willa proceeded to lose the contents of her stomach on the ground at Craig's feet, splashing those contents over his boots.

The Outlaw and the Lady (4th in the Crane Gang Series)(womanxwoman)Where stories live. Discover now