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The sheets rumpled beneath Eren's knees as he leaned forward on the bed. He crossed out his trail of thought on the piece of paper resting on his lap, frowning as he did so.

"Okay you're right, that was a dumb idea," he muttered, looking back up at Levi.

"Hey, I never said it was a dumb idea. I just said it didn't really work."

"...So a dumb idea?"


"You don't have to worry about hurting my feelings." Eren huffed, looking away dramatically. Levi merely rolled his eyes, leaning back against the bedpost. The two sat in silence, Eren reading over their notes and Levi staring up at the ceiling.

"It's so nice not having to worry about anyone bugging us," Levi murmured. Eren looked up to see his boyfriend close his eyes, 

"Yeah, it is. Though, your family's not that bad."

"Not that bad?" Levi barked out a laugh. "Are you kidding me? Izzy coming in every two seconds to boast about the fact she knew I was crushing on you isn't that bad? Farlan smiling and fucking acting dumb when he walks in on us being alone isn't that bad? My own mother asking me questions on the daily about you isn't that bad?" Eren only laughed. Ever since Levi's family had discovered their little cuddle nest, they'd been pestering Levi like there was no tomorrow. Because of this, Levi requested them to spend majority of the time at Eren's, where generally no one was home. Eren had agreed, if only for the comfort of his boyfriend.

"If it's such a hassle, we can try and convince them we're just friends again?" Eren offered, tossing the pen and paper at Levi. Said boy growled as he opened his eyes, taking the objects. 

"We're in too deep now, my friend. My main issue now is to keep Izzy from letting it slip to Hanji. Now that is someone who will never let it go."

"Speaking of letting things go, we should probably get back to the topic at hand."

"Right. Go on."

"Well, I think our only option is social media at this point, unless you'd like to find someone who's hosting a party and we can do something there?"

"Do you seriously think know anyone who would be throwing a party?"

"You never know, you are full of surprises after all."

"Well I hate parties. But, I guess you could write it down as an option." Levi handed the pen and paper back to Eren. "But yes, so far social media seems like our best/only option."

"We're gonna need to do something big I think, it's kind of stale. I haven't posted anything in like two weeks."

"I haven't posted in a month. What do you suggest?"

"Going to a party would definitely be something grand-"

"Eren now I'm just starting to think you want to go to a party."

"Come on Levi, it wouldn't be all that bad would it? You might even enjoy it!"

"That aside, how would we even get into one? I know you only have nerd friends and I only have an animal and a probable literal book worm."

"Couldn't Hanji host one? She knows lots of people! And her house is really big isn't it? And I'm guessing if she's anything like her parents they won't mind."

"Look I've already told you to put that idea down for now. Next, please?" Levi rolled his eyes.

"I'm out of ideas."

"I never had any to begin with. How about we just leave it for now, and keep thinking on it." 

"Sounds good." Eren placed their planning as well as the pen on his bedside table, wincing at the stretch it took to do so.

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