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piece #836 | FOURTH GRADE

I felt a few small objects fall into my lap. I smiled when I glanced down to see three colorful balls of gum on my pair of bell bottom jeans that my mom picked out for me. I could feel Bennett's stare burning holes in the side of my face as he walked towards his seat on the other side of the classroom. 

He wasn't sitting next to me anymore (thank goodness!), so I suppose the teachers finally figured out that Bennett means trouble, and the trouble is tripled if it involves me. 

I was beginning to fall asleep during Ms. Smith's boring explanation of some war at some time somewhere until I saw a paper plane making its way towards my face. It would've made contact with my eye, but (having the awesome reflexes that I do) I caught it just in time. I glared around the room, which I didn't need to because somehow I already knew it was Bennett. I scowled at Bennett and his cocky grin. But, I read the paper plane, anyways.

Why haven't you been talking to me lately? You promised to be my best friend. ;) I'm still giving you gum.

I scribbled on the plane and refolded it before sending it away.

 I changed my mind. :)

I quickly got a reply.

No gum, then? >:)

Well, this put me in an awkward situation. Free gum but a weird friend, or no gum but no weird friend? I sighed, seeing that there was only one option.

Friends. Got it. Just don't forget the gum.

When have I ever?

He had a good point. I was going to tell him so until our teacher shot me the evil glare. I smiled innocently and pretended like she had my full attention. When she whipped around, I quickly scribbled one word.


I got a one worded reply.


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