N.K. 0.3 : FEARS

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“Today before we do an activity I encourage everyone to share their greatest fear. I’ll start, for all your sake, my greatest fear is of height and to fall from high places. So we will do from left to right. Grace you go first.” Mrs. Bishop told us.

  As Grace started to narrate her fears I stare blankly thinking hard.

  As I ponder the question my time came to stand and to speak. Not that I’ve ever once insisted anything from anyone.

   I’m smart. (Well except for times that I act as a complete idiot.)

I’m witty. (Except when I don’t get enough sleep, which is often. Then I lose my sense of humor.)

 I’m compassionate. (Except when someone acts like a complete idiot. Especially in front of my face.)

   I’m understanding. (Well except when I can’t have my way that I totally lose control.)

  I’m kind. (Except of those days, when for no apparent reason, I hate pretty much everyone.)

 “Greatest fear… I’ve got a little problem, and I’m not really sure how to fix it. Not really sure I need to. Not really sure I could. So my greatest fear I guess is to be trapped. This life that we are living grand is like a roller coaster, it can take you up and in one second it can slams you down, way deep down. I’m afraid to be trapped I want to do more, I want to be more than they expect.”

   I’m not really sure what I have said, as I sat down, the girl that sits next to me, the girl that I saw from the red Volvo is staring at me.

  She was staring at me seriously, like she was shove a hot iron on the face. She was looking at by the time I stand up and by the time I claim my seats. I am lucky enough to see such a beautiful girl in this dead garden.

   From the moment we reach the parking lot I dreaded going inside no matter how my mother act enthusiastically. But as soon as the red Volvo park on the front of our car and seeing this lost angel striving out, I was captured in an instant. I was a captive by her unique beauty. I’m sure if this is not the part of the world that revolves within my life, I have zero chance of meeting her. But look at now, I was hear choking the future thing my parents hope for, sitting next to this girl.

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