Ode To A Failure Part II

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There once lived a youngster
whose life was quite dull
but that's not the story
of Matt él McKull

Poor Matt's operation,
while saving his head,
had left him a cripple
and mostly in bed

He longed to play soccer
but as we all know
the absence of knees
made him ever so slow

Yet still he persisted
he tried for the team
while hoping and praying
to realize his dream

The coach looked him over
and had an idea
from games he had witnessed
in Northern Korea

"I want you to hunker
there down on your seat
between the two goal-posts
right now please, toot-sweet."

So Matt waddled over
and sat in the goal.
He shouted, "Let's do this!
I'm ready to roll!"

The kicker came running
in line with the ball
and drove in a good one,
he gave it his all

Matt's fingers instinctively
tensed in his glove,
the hot summer sun
beating down from above

Matt squinted to see it,
he scrunched up his eyes
to cancel the glare from
the sun in the sky

The time was upon him,
the moment at hand
he took off his gloves
which he threw to the stands.

And then in a flurry,
he dove to the side
the ball in his fingers
he caught it with pride

But there as he squinted
and fell to the ground,
the ball kept on spinning
and turning around

unable to stop it
or keep it in place,
the ball left his fingers
and pummeled his face.

Poor Matt was transported
away in a cot
with tears on his face,
he had not saved the shot.

His brow remains furrowed
through joy and through strife
He'll probably squint
for the rest of his life

The words of his mother
hit hard as a brick,
"If you make funny faces,
they're going to stick!"

The Rather Unfortunate Tales of Matt Él McKullWhere stories live. Discover now