Ode To A Failure

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There once was a boy
called Matt él McKull
who had a large dent
on top of his skull

He listened to music
all day and all night.
He sure gave his doctors
one heck of a fright!

"You'll just have to stop it
you're killing your brain.
From wearing those headphones
you'll have to refrain."

And so they prescribed him
some crani-o-med
to quickly recover
the dip in his head

But silly Matthias,
he didn't quite hear,
he had a large headphone
atop of each ear

As drops turned to weeks
things slowly got worse,
till one day they started
to speak in reverse!

The doctors all pondered
they had to be quick.
They called in a surgeon,
"He might do the trick!"

The surgeon was flustered,
"He's started to chafe,
we can't touch his brain-cap,
it just isn't safe!"

One doctor suggested,
"Let's go up his nose!
It leads to the thinker
as everyone knows."

so that's how they did it,
they stitched him up fast
with two tiny hiccups:
his nose didn't last

And somehow they managed
while poking about
to freeze both his kneecaps
his legs stuck straight out

Well now he was noseless
with paralyzed feet
so one final time
the doctors did meet

It seemed really cruel just
to leave him like that
so they took both his knees
with a chisel and bat

Now lame and congested
Matt hobbled away
to go find some headphones
and music to play

the moral I tell you,
and this is the truth,
is life is too crazy
to waste in your youth.

The Rather Unfortunate Tales of Matt Él McKullWhere stories live. Discover now