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                         Flash back

"fang chu are you going to be there" I say crying in tears " I said Tina I have to go to the millatary I'm sorry" he says bending down to my hight "papa ,fang chu don't go!" "I'm so sorry Tina good bye" he walks away from me in an slow mosoin "NO DADDY NO BROTHER NO!"
                        Flash back ends
I wake up with tears ending with an wimper "papa....." I hear a bunch of "Tina wake up! Your ok wake up!"  I open my eyes to see my papa hold me. I admiditly hug him.. but it turns out to be my roommate trying to wake me up
"Thanks Jackie I really appreciate that"
She smiles "no problem but we have a problem.." I sit up "what's the problem" her smile dissapers "um....the rent and your screaming in your dream" I get up and look around in the room,I see my package and  my clothes on the floor with an pair of new shoes on the side "yea I'm sorry your going to have to move out ....Tina..." My eyes start to tear up "why...?.. I have no job or anything" she acts like there's an light bulb on her head "Oh I forgot here this is an free collage deployment, enough for rent and dorms and free class for each day Tina" I hug her and slightly take the money and phone with the card on top into my hands "thank you Jackie thank you so much.." she walks out of my room and closes the door behind her. I look out the window "trucks! I gtg fast " I grab the package and my clothes with my 2phones. Wile walking out of the building , Jackie waves good bye ,with barely trying I try to wave back but instead drop my stuff.
"Ah here it is it slightly took my four hours and fifty three minutes"I tap that on my calendar then walk into the building.

      Published by veronica

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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