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This chapter has been updated and changes have been made.

Jesse: good morning lovely people👻

Maja: good morning :))

Scott: what's up??

Edurne: nothing much☠️

Jesse: you ain't fun Eddy🤦🏽‍♂️

Paul: you so serious
You gotta loosen up a little🤓

Edurne: oh please
I'm fun
Fun is my middle name🤷🏼‍♀️

Maja: says the one who got mad just because someone woke her up at 05:30😏

Edurne: shhhh🤫

Maja: ahahaha

Isabel: jajaja

Sergio: someone wanted to have her beauty sleep🧖‍♀️

Eliana: Sergio
Pls get to the kitchen and handle your kids
They're refusing to eat broccoli🥦

Sergio: oh wait
I'm coming!!!

David: jajaja
Sergio eloped🙅🏼‍♂️

Sam: what?
Who eloped with whom???🙍🏼‍♀️

Someone handle her

James: Sam
Sergio eloped from his room to the kitchen to handle his kids

Brandon: ohhh

Ria: wait
Brandon Williams is here?😲

Aaron: I know I'm new but I've never seen him talking

Daniel: umm...yeah🤢

Paul: Brandon
Since when are u here?

Brandon: since the time someone added me😵

Juan: it's good if he's here

Chris: the author is here👩🏻‍💻

Anouska: Chris
To be precise, the nerd is here🤓

Aleksandra: ololo

Luke: what's ololo?

Nemanja: your mother💁🏻‍♂️

Elle: ahem

Luke: Nemanja 🤪👀🔥

Anouska: ololo

Evelina: ololo

Sam: ololo

Edurne: ololo

Jesse: ololo

Paul: ololo

Kaya: ololo

Monique: ololo

Fred: ololo

Romelu: ololo

Lee: ololo

Scott: ololo

Marcus: ololo

Holly: ololo

Fern: ololo

Harry: ololo

Daniel: ololo

Ria: ololo

Aaron: ololo

Maja: ololo

Victor: ololo

Ashley: stopppppp!!!!🙅🏾‍♂️

Edurne: okkkkkkk!!!!🙋🏼‍♀️

Isabel: damn it guys🙄

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