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This chapter has been updated and changes have been made.


Jesse: I came believe I had lost my memory🥴

David: yes you were being in a pain in the ass

Sam: arse please. You're in England not USA🙄

Daniel: oh okay
I tell you these Brits are so annoying

Andreas: lmao, no. They're nice 😊
You're just being salty

Daniel: no I'm not-
Damn it ria is typing
*Daniel James delete previous messages

Ria: yeah so what were you saying about Brits, Daniel?

Maja: 😼

Daniel: nothing baby
I was just saying that Brits are so polite yk🤷🏻‍♂️

Victor: lies
He said that Brits are annoying🙅🏻‍♂️

Ria: 👿🤬

Daniel: ria no
Don't believe him
He's just lying🙄

Juan: oh I got screenshots of that😜
Let me send it😤

Daniel: no!!!
It was a joke, ria🥵

Ria: it better be because yk what would happen to you if you truly meant that😈

Harry: this lockdown is so dead😵

Scott: isn't it just???😞

Jesse: it's been so long without a takeaway. I'm starting to think your name is Scott mCflurry😎

Evelina: calm the banters down🌚

Scott: no way evelina👿
It's been sooo long without a football game that I thought you had actually scored this year...turns out it was in FIFA😤

Marcus: dude he sucks at FIFA as well just like at COD🤮

Paul: haha, I can't wait to make my return, boys🙂

Elle: finally some goals!!!😆 For your team lmao

Diogo: have you all seen that Ashley young has hair?😲

Anthony: he looks more like Ashley Younger🤯

Ander: respect your ex captain!!!😡

Victor: bruv, this man couldn't captain a bird to fly, let alone a football team😅

Monique: oh well he's typing rn☠️

*David covers head with blanket
*Victor closes his eyes
*Juan enjoys his popcorn
*Elle is confused

Ashley: at a point, you couldn't tackle a maths problem, let alone the best players in the world🧐

*Maja gasps
*Victor's eyes widens
*Juan's popcorn falls out

Two mini updates for the day
Oh and I've decided that I'll try to update more frequently now 😁

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