Chapter 3

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Hey guys!! Thanks for the patience. I hope you enjoy.

TRIGGER WARNING: This contains talk and description of self harm and descriptive violence. Also contains cussing.


I looked on from the shadows. Luna was tied up.

"Luna. Scoot closer, I'll chew through the rope around your wrists and ankles."

She scooted closer. One of the guards noticed and strolled on over. I backed further into the shadows, willing myself to be invisible.

"What are you doing?" he questioned, looking into the darkness to see if anyone was there.

I froze and held my breath. He didn't see me and I let out a quiet sigh of relief. The guy turned back to Luna.

"I asked you a question Outsider. Answer it." his voice dripped with venom when he called her and Outsider.

Luna remained silent but glared up at the guy with the intent to hurt him. He crouched down to her level.

"I said ANSWER ME you little shit!!" he yelled.

She spit in his face and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. He groaned in pain and fell backwards, holding himself. It took effort not to laugh. Luna looked at him with a smirk. The man in white looked over at her seeing how smug she felt looking at him in pain. He pushed himself to his feet.

"This will teach you, you little SHIT!" he growled.

He started to kick and beat her. I sat there in horror as my love got beaten to a pulp. He kicked her in the gut and the leg, hit her face and arms, and kicked her in the head. She yelped out in pain but he didn't stop. I had had enough. I tackled the guy to the ground. I bit him and clawed him. I didn't stop. I didn't care that he was screaming in agonizing pain. I kept attacking him. I didn't even notice when he stopped yelling and eventually stopped moving. I didn't stop until I was exhausted and out of breath. I stood over his body panting and absolutely outraged. Then I realized he was dead. I had torn his face up so bad that you could no longer recognize him. His blood was everywhere and his uniform had been ripped to shreds. I looked over at Luna. She was laying there and was clearly terrified. I cautiously walked over to her.

"Are you ok?" I asked her quietly.

She nodded her head yes but didn't say a word.

"Come on, let's go home."

I helped her up and shifted back to my human form. We started to walk home. We didn't get far before she collapsed.

"Luna!" I caught her.

I carried her home quickly. When I got back she went straight to medical. I waited for what seemed like hours. The doctor came out with a long face.

"I'm very sorry. We did all that we could but she was injured badly."

"Can I see her?" I asked quietly as tears welled up in my eyes.

She nodded and led me to the room that Luna was in.

"Take as much time as you need." she shut the door behind me.

A New Generation: A Battle for Freedom (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now