Crushes who to tell and who not to tell

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Hi guys !! I decided to start you off with a story from personal experience to warn you about who to trust with your crush. Story
It all started with a group of friends Ariana ( ari for short and my best friend), Becky ( a good friend but she cannot keep a secret), and Rose ( that's me) . We were in 7 th grade and we were at recess ( yes people yes ok I used to live in fishers and that's how the system works) . We decided to walk the track together and have some girl chat. I already told ari who My crush was but I was not sure if I should tell Becky . Then Becky just blurts it out in one big sentence like it's been bottled up inside her for years. PLEASEROSEPLEASETELLMEWHOYOURCRUSHISPLEASETELLMEIWONTTELLANYONE!!. NO I say back I don't have a crush I lie. Yes you do I know you do every one does!! I shrug her off again but she won't leave me alone so I say IF I TELL YOU WILL YOU SHUT UP!! She looked a little hurt but recovered quickly, yes she said quietly. Ari said nothing and just stared at me. Well spit it out said Becky . I...... I ....... I like Lmdhbdbs. What stop mumbling! FINE I YELL I LIKE LOGAN OK I LIKE LOGAN!!!! I KNEW IT yells Becky . Then the whistle blows it's time for TE. Ari has band but Becky and me have TE. Becky has science TE and I have math TE. Becky has the same TE as my crush ( lucky I could just stare into his blue eyes for all eternity) when TE was over I was packing my bag and had just closed my locker when becky came up to me. Hey rose she said in a voice that was almost as if she was ashamed of something. Some one in my TE made a rumor about you, oh I said what's the rumor? It's...... It's that you like Logan. WHAT I practacly scream at her . I know who started those rumors I yell!! Who she says with intresst. YOU !!!!! I yell and run back into my home room and of corse Logan is there. He blushes at me and I just stand there until more students start to pile in I will never trust Becky again.

And this is why you don't trust people who aren't your true friends don't tell anyone you crush unless they are like Ari someone who dosent preassure you to tell her something
P.s try and find yourself an Ari

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