A Scary Story - The Stalker Clown

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A girl called Amanda used to work at a pizzeria. She was fresh out of high school, in college, and she was 17 years old. She also loved the circus - and I mean she loved it. She had begged her mum every month since she was 9 years old, and now it had just become a routine to go to the circus, even if it took hours to drive.

However, Amanda's little brother, Damien, hated going to the circus. He hated everything - especially the clowns. Clowns are supposed to make you laugh, but clowns for Damien made him cry.

One day, Amanda was working a night shift at the pizzeria. Her mum was working at a business job at the time, so Amanda had to take care of Damien. Damien began to beg Amanda to not let their mum take them to the circus the next day, as he always did when he was alone with his sister.
"Damien, you know I love the circus." Amanda scolded, writing down an order from a customer. "Stop being so selfish and enjoy yourself for once."

"But he's there," Damien said, tears filling his eyes, while tugging his sister's shirt.
Amanda pushed him away and grabbed a wet cloth. She began to clean a table.
"Amanda! Please don't let us go!" the young boy cried once more, tears streaming down his rosy cheeks. "Or he will get us."
"Who is this he you keep talking about?" Amanda questioned, continuing her cleaning.
"He doesn't want me to tell you, or he'll hurt us." Damien explained, feeling his sister was taking his concerns into account.

Amanda looked at him, smiled warmly.
"Okay," she said, her lips dry. "Enough with this stupid he man, I've had enough. You are 8 years old, not 2! Act like it."
She then burst out laughing and began to clean the next table.
Damien then shook violently and clung to Amanda.

Amanda turned to her brother who was staring out of a window that she had cleaned the night before. She pushed her brother off her once again, and peered to see who he was staring at.
It was a clown from the circus - Amanda's favourite part. A clown!
She dropped her cloth smack down on the table and grabbed Damien's small, cold hand. She then sprinted to the double glass doors, and waited patiently, humming a happy and excited tune. She was so happy, in fact, she didn't notice Damien crying, fighting to run away as the clown neared the doors.
"Amanda! Run with me!" Damien eventually screamed. Amanda ignored him.

The clown pulled open the doors. His white face paint was as new as ever, and he had a frizzy orange wig. He was wearing a spotty yellow suit with pom poms on the front and was wearing red shoes with laces that were too big for him. He had clasped in his right hand a bundle of balloons, and a big smile was spread on his face.

"Hello sir!" Amanda exclaimed, grinning. "I love your shows at the circus! So does my brother, right, Damien?"
Amanda turned to Damien who was crying even more, staring up at her. She glared at him, and Damien, scared out of his skin, wiped his tears and nodded.
"That boy," the clown said in a raspy yet warm voice. "Me and him have met. It was a pleasure, yet he wasn't really polite. I do not mind it though," -he took a balloon from his other hand and offered it to Damien- "he will like this, I hope."
"Take it." Amanda demanded, pleading Damien to take it. He didn't.

"I'm sorry," he apologized to his sister. "He did bad things to m-"
Amanda backed him away and made him go behind her back.
"I'm sorry sir," she apologized. "He, um, got scared by a clown once. Don't mind him."
"Oh," the clown said. "He won't like it when me and you are together, then, will he?"

"What do you mean?"
"Oh, nothing, my dear Amanda. I'll see you tomorrow."


Damien tensed in the backseat.
"Mom, he scared me." he complained. "He came up to me and Amanda yesterday, while she was working. Amanda lied and told him I liked the circus, and she glared at me!"
"Damien, my dear, stop complaining and we'll be out of there as soon as we got in. Then you don't have to go back for a whole entire month." his mother told him soothingly as Amanda glared out of the window, looking out for the circus.

"If you keep on saying that I'll lock you in a room with him!" Amanda grumped.
Damien screamed and kicked the back of his sister's seat, crying.
"No! Anything but that!" he whailed.

They eventually arrived at the circus, and Amanda was the first out of the car as usual.
"Ah, the sweet circus." she celebrated, waiting for her mother and Damien.
"Something bad will happen today." Damien informed everyone. "To me."
"Nothing will happen," his mother assured him.

They took their seats at the circus. After oos and ahs at the acrobats, laughs and giggles at the clowns, and many more, the crowd was thanked and the show ended.
The clown from the day before was spectacular, well, atleast that's what Amanda said. That very same clown came over to the family and Damien began to cry again.

"I have very special treats for your little boy." The clown announced to his mum. "Maybe Amanda and him should come with me, and I can show them? They'll come straight back, I promise."
Their mother glanced at Amanda, whose face was filled with delight,
"I suppose so."

So the clown went off with the two; he gave them sweets and cake. Amanda carried hers, and Damien carried his. Damien was still crying and gasping for air.

Damien got through it though, and Amanda, him and the clown walked back to their mum, Amanda leading. She turned around when she got there, and screamed.

Damien and the clown were gone.


The police never managed to track the clown down. However, they tracked his home down. Inside was a locker full of weapons, and in the basement they found Damien dismembered. They looked into a room, and found a whole room dedicated to Amanda.
Amanda came once to check it out, and saw the room. She began to cry and went into the basement where Damien's dead body was covered by fabric.

Written on the wall in his blood was:


Just then, Amanda felt breath on her neck.

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