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(A/n: Thanks for the support so far!)

Y/n's POV

'.......of course' I stood there with a blank expression staring at the older male who's sitting in couch in front of me.

"It's not nice to call someone that, uncle Max" I rolled my eyes.

"Why not, baby girl?" He grinned.

"Because, cussing in front of your neice is not okay" I huffed as I took a seat beside him.

"Isn't swearing a sign of intelligence?"

"What? Why do you think that?"

"I read it in the internet!!!" He stated proudly.

I could only shake my head in reply. 'Still naive as always' I sighed. You see, uncle Maxwell is my Father's twin brother. They're polar opposites, my father known to be strict and always serious whereas, uncle is a kind soul and easily fooled. He's a well known journalist Back home; he has his own show. He always acts like a father to me, which my actual blood related father doesn't bother to.

"So, mother told me about a guest that...


"I'm pretty sure is not referring to you" I smirked.

"You shouldn't talk to your da......uncle! like that, (Y/n)" he said as it sounded somewhat awkward.

"And yes, she's waiting for you in your room"

I just nodded as reply and hurried upstairs, since I was still in my uniform. I slowed my pace when I reached the top of the stairs and calmly walked towards my room.

Third person's POV

As the (H/c) girl left she failed to notice the longing stare behind her. Her uncle ran his hands through his jet black hair as he sighed sadly looking at the retreating figure in front of him. There's no helping the fact that he loved his neice as his own daughter. He always hoped that she would call him that once...........

The one word that he longed for so long.

The one word that he'll give anything to hear from his neice.

'He's always cared more about his work than his own daughter....he doesn't deserve her'

The black haired male just sighed and scolded himself mentally........he shouldn't say things like that about his own brother. Yet he found himself doing that often.


The (H/n) haired girl twisted the door nob quickly, curious to see the awaiting guest.

"Ah yes, my husband is finally Back!" Echoed a overly excited voice.

"Wha-" (Y/n) got interrupted as someone threw themselves unto her.

She didn't need to see their face, since she recognised that all to familiar voice.

"What are you doing here?" She stared at them with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Aww, are you not happy to see your best friend?" (F/n) pouted.

"Don't be silly" (Y/n) push her away playfully.

"And you didn't answer my question"

(F/n) plopped on the assassin's bed "I was instructed to accompany you in this mission once I've completed mine.

"So, here I am!" She shrugged.

"I appreciate it. However, I don't need assistance"

"Come on, homie! We're partners back in the academy remember?"

"Yes I do, but still"

"I'm not here to ask for your permission. I am helping, whether you like it or not!" (F/n) crossed her arms.

(Y/n) only sighed in reply as she knows how stubborn her partner would be.

"Okay, what's with the weird nickname?" Questioned the (H/c).


"You called me your husband" (Y/n) glared.

"Hello? We're partners, which means that we're husband and wife" (F/n) explained as if it was obvious.

(Y/n) pinched the bridge of her nose "Your logic blows my mind.

"How could you not know the difference between life partners and work partners." She placed her hands on her hips earning a shrug as reply.

"Seriously (F/n), are you really dumb or are you just doing that to get on my nerves?" (Y/n) demanded.

"Ahem, the latter" (F/n) purposely crossed her legs and smirked.

"You-" (Y/n) cuts herself off and sat beside (F/n) as she laughed.

Soon, both started laughing.

"You may look stiff on the outside, but you're a huge goof ball, you know that" (F/n) blurted out.

"And you're a weirdo" (Y/n) shot back.

The laughter died down, leaving you both in a comfortable silence.

"Hey (Y/n)"


"I'll be going to Akademi high with you!"

"Wait, when di-"

"Well, if I want to help I should be with you, right? Also, It wasn't that hard to apply here-"

"Where will you be staying?" It was your turn to interrupt.

"I'll stay with you today, and tomorrow I'll move to a nice apartment" (F/n) shrugged.

"You got everything planned out didn't you?" You chuckled, slightly impressed by her persistence in helping you.

"Oh, yeah. Also, this school in pretty cool, I'm actually surprised that there are less than hundred students in this school."

"I know, and there's a valid reason for it"

"What is it?"

"Apparently, years ago there's been several killings, all the victims are of course, school girls, the murderer has never been caught"

"Wait, do you mean the killer was inside the school?"

"Yes, and the murderer is rumoured to be an student of Akademi, more specifically a girl. However, there hasn't been found much evidences to prove her guilty"

"Who's that girl?"

"I don't know, this is all I could gather. Besides it doesn't concern me, I'm not here to find Akademi's mystery killer"

"Your here to kill someone instead!!!"

"Don't be so loud! You dork!" You hissed as you clamped your hand against her mouth.

(F/n) just laughed, "Calm your tits, (N/n)"


"What? Isn't it a sign of intelligence?"

You gaped "Did you eavesdrop on I and uncle's conversation?"

"What do you mean?" (F/n) gave you an innocent look.

You completely ignored her reply and gave her a hard stare.

"Hey don't give me that look, it's not my fault that you both converse super loud!"

"That doesn't mean that you could eavesdrop, (F/n)!" You glared.

"What do you want me to do? That's the truth"

Unable to bite back a smile you sighed "You never change."


(A/n: sorry for the short chapter. I just wanted to publish this, since it'd be so long)


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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