Actions speak louder than words

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I slowly came to my senses as I felt sunlight shining directly onto my face. Ugh....too bright...! I groaned softly and buried my face against whatever my head was lying on. But alas, I was awake enough. No matter how many years went by, once I was awakened by too much brightness in the room, I wasn't heading back to sleep. However, it was only upon shifting my body slightly that I realized the situation I was in. This...rather warm pillow....felt much harder than usual. Furrowing my brows in confusion, I decided to crack my eyes open.

I was immediately greeted by a bare chest, instead of the inner tunic he usually wore for bed. I looked at my own body, and realized that I was just as bare as he was. I began to blush at the sight. What....on earth....happened last night?? Fortunately, Ezio still seemed to be asleep, otherwise he would've seen my cheeks flush violently as the events of last night rushed back into my memory. Yet, I couldn't help but scoot closer to his body and wrap an arm around his perfectly sculpted torso. His lips. Oh god, his lips. They should be a sin. That first peck back when we were sparring was far from being our last. No words were exchanged between us as I lay there, breathless, on the ground. Only smiles, heavy panting and caresses. We came back to Monteriggioni, and as soon as we entered my bedroom, his lips were back against mine. Passionately. Desperately. Our swords were carelessly discarded onto the wooden floor, soon followed by our robes. Still, his skin never parted from mine. Last night, as I became his, he held me close. As close as one could ever hold. My head had rested on his chest as he held me tight, a thin sheet of sweat covering our bodies.

I thought back to how handsome he looked, with his skin lightly shining beneath the moonlight. I kissed him then. Slowly, tenderly, as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He was my first, in so many ways. The first man I saved, the first man I shared my bed with, the first man I kissed, and now, the first man I offered my body and soul to. And I loved it. I loved this. Though I could feel my heart racing, my eyes trailed along his peaceful expression. At this, I just....couldn't prevent a soft, tender smile from painting my lips. I moved a hand up to gently caress those beautiful, soft brown locks, delicately pulling a stray strand away from his closed eyes. My hand then moved down to rest on his cheek. God, how could such a beautiful man be burdened with such an unforgiving destiny? Nevertheless, as I lay there by his side, I didn't even find myself questioning why Minerva had sent me to help him, of all people. Something within me just...felt this was the way things should be. And as his large hand moved up to lightly caress my own, I began to smile more. Yes. He was the one I belonged with. "Hey...." I whispered tenderly. "Buongiorno (Good morning)..."

Upon hearing my voice, he cracked his eyes open. And oh, sweet heavens....that soft smile he gave me was more than enough to make my heart soar. "(y/n)..." he whispered.

It is said that actions speak louder than words. And that one look can sometimes bear more emotion than entire novels. Well....I think this small moment just proved everyone right. With so much delicacy, he pulled me close with his free arm. His soft lips were so damn enticing, I couldn't resist. I leaned forward and kissed him. Was this what being in love felt like? Was this...overwhelming feeling of pure joy and content what love was? Was this what my former friends back in my era tried oh so often to describe? At last, I could understand them. How could one describe a feeling so overwhelming that it made you forget about everything but the man you love? Oh God, I felt I could fly just from this...

His lips danced with mine so gently, so lovingly. His lips felt so good that I barely felt him pull me up onto his lap. I broke the kiss then, panting softly as I looked down at him. Smiling tenderly, I decided to rest my head on his chest, sighing softly in content as I felt his fingers caress my scalp. "Dio mio (My God), last night was amazing....~" I breathed out tenderly, blushing. "You were amazing~"

A game, or real life? (Ezio x reader)Where stories live. Discover now