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Chance was known throughout his high school as the "Promposal guy". Every year since he was a freshman, he'd charge seniors to make promposal posters and set up their promposals. Now it's Chance's senior year, and he's skeptical he'll find a date to prom that isn't one of his friends.

It was practically all he thought about when second semester started, wondering if any other senior would feel brave enough to come out like he had during junior year. These thoughts ran through his mind during his English class. He wasn't really doing much since he'd already finished the final project for that class, and like the others who were done, was just doing whatever.

He reminded himself to put up his posters to advertise for his promposal planning. People looked forward to it, and after helping one of the more popular seniors as a freshman, people would always go to him. He still remembers the first promposal he planned, and he doesn't think he could top it.

He was able to convince the kids doing after school announcements to let him into the room to play a song, and then direct her to the promposal area, which was in the cafeteria - which Chance had to ask the janitor to leave unlocked - which they had decorated.

There, there were roses and streamers that Chance, the jock, and some other students set up right after lunch - his English and Geography teachers that year allowed him to miss class for it - and when she arrived, the guy proposing sang to her, and she cried, and it was honestly the cutest thing he'd ever seen. He heard the couple just got engaged.

After that, when the jock credited him for a lot of the work and help, people went to him to plan their promposals.

Snapped out of his thoughts as the bell rang, he picked up his backpack, said goodbye to his English teacher and headed to drama class. There, he saw his best friend. "Hey Sam. What're we doing today?" He greeted her. "Not much Chance. Just kinda chilling because we've all presented our projects. Hey- do you think you could help me do a promposal this year? Away from the public things?" She suddenly asked.

"Yeah of course I can, why? Are you asking someone?" Chance said incredulously. Sam blushed. "Well, yeah. I was gonna ask Maggie to go with me... maybe. I'm still not sure if she likes me." At this moment, Chance looked at Maggie who was staring at Sam from across the class. "I'm pretty sure she does Sammy." He laughed.

At this comment, Sam turned around and made eye contact with Maggie. Both girls turned away immediately, a proper blush dusting both of their cheeks. "You two are hopeless." He laughed. "Says the guy who's never gone out on a real date before!" Sam exclaimed. "Well excuse me for being like the only guy who likes other guys - and is out - at our school!" He replied.

"That's a bull excuse. You know there are rumours about other guys. Why not ask them?" "There was a rumour about Chelsea being a lesbian and we both know how that turned out." He smiled at his friends pointed look. "Everyone was saying she was gay though. I had to believe it." "Yeah, and she led you on for a bet. Don't want that happening to me again Sam." He chuckled dryly.

While he was in fact inside of a more progressive school, he still found that some of the people would give him looks in the halls. Mainly the jocks. At his school the sport was football, which they thought made them special. Chance thought it just made them the same as every other high school in their area. At least the prep school played lacrosse.

Chance thought of the time he fell for a jock - he knows, it's ridiculous - named Ethan Samuels. In junior year, Ethan upon learning that Chance had come out, made a bet with the rest of the football team that he could get the gay kid to go out with him. He succeeded, even committing enough to kiss Chance once.

That's probably the reason that it really broke Chance's heart when Ethan called him all those slurs in the cafeteria in front of everyone the next day at school. Chance went home early that day, even considered taking his life because of his heartbreak and embarrassment. Sam went straight to his house after school and stayed with him until he felt better.

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