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Chance woke up the next day with something clear on his mind. Ethan. Fucking idiot, of course you go and think about that right before bed. Then you dream about it. Wait am I-? Chance's thought was interrupted by his sister banging on his door. "Chance! Get up you have to shower! Mom made bacon and eggs!" She hollered. He sighed and got up ignoring whatever was going on... down there.

He got into the shower, turned it on cold, and washed himself. After that, he felt much better, and his body was... calmer. He towel dried his hair before styling it, and then he went to get dressed. He put on a white t-shirt, blue skinny jeans, and his leather jacket before grabbing his art project and his backpack and heading downstairs.

"Good morning!" He chimed. "You're in a good mood." His mom smiled. "Yeah, guess I'm just excited to start the promposals again." "That's good. Has your school said anything about other kids volunteering?" "No but they said they may make some as a form of punishment. I just hope they don't mess things up."

After eating his breakfast, he said goodbye to his mom and sister and met Sam outside his house. He and his sister do go to the same school, but he prefers to go with Sam. "Yo Chancey!" "I told you not to call me that Samantha." "I told you not to call me that too!" She laughed, and then she punched him. They listened to random radio music as they discussed the promposals. "Do you think there are going to be any kids that get assigned to help?" "Maybe. I hope they don't cause trouble for us. It would suck to leave everything messed up." She nodded as the two pulled into the school parking lot.

The two spotted Ethan making out with his girlfriend against his car, which was right next to the door, and after last nights thoughts, Chance really didn't want to look at him, so he avoided eye contact all together. He still had a small blush appear when he saw him, and he was sure that if he hadn't kept his face away, Ethan would've seen it.

Chance stopped by his locker to put his art project inside, and at that moment, Ethan leaned against the locker next to him. He tensed up. Willing himself not to think about what kept him awake last night, and sighed. "What the fuck do you want Samuels." He sneered. He was sure he was blushing. "I'm just here to ask where the volunteers for the promposal thingy go." He replied, a smirk on his face.

"Why? You wanna come bother us?" "No, I have to. As punishment for missing class last week." Ethans smirk was gone and replaced with an annoyed look. "Stupid niners snitched on me." He grumbled. "Look Samuels if you fuck anything up I'll report you to the head office as soon as possible. Got it?" Chance warned. "Yeah, I got it."

"Good. We meet in room 224. Today we're just gonna be sifting through ideas for the promposals. Be prepared to let your creative side shine Samuels." Chance snickered as he closed his locker and walked away. "Oh just you wait, I'm gonna have great ideas!" Ethan called after him. "Oh dear god." Chance mumbled, which earned a laugh from some sophomores nearby.

Chance stepped into his first period, drama, and dropped his bag on the floor. He chatted with some other students while they waited for the teacher. When she arrived, she had the football coach with her. "Since the gym is being closed down for cleaning, I've allowed Coach Simon's gym class to join our class for first period when they aren't out on the field. We aren't doing any work since we've finished our projects, so just chat amongst yourselves or do work for other classes."

Chance groaned internally when Ethan walked into the class. He didn't want to have anything embarrassing happen if he thought about that, so he just ignored him, and put in headphones to play some music. He was scrolling through his Instagram DMs when he heard someone call his name over the music. "Chance." It was Ethan, who had decided to move right next to him. He ignored him, pretending not to hear, but Ethan ripped out one of his earbuds.

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